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Thursday, September 30, 2010

9 Signs You're Happier Than You Think...

Alternatively Titled: Why We Might Be Having 9 Children to Give Ayris A Sister...apparently having a sister makes you's scientific you know!

My friend posted this list from Prevention Magazine on facebook:

9 Signs you're happier than you think

by The Editors of Prevention

Your emotional well-being isn’t just about your genes or the kind of home you were raised in. It turns out that some pretty interesting factors—backed by science—play a role in how joyful you feel:

1. You were a smiley student (I don't think I've ever been "smiley" but I was a happy student...does that count??)

Adults with the biggest grins in their college yearbook pictures were up to 5 times less likely to be divorced decades later than those who looked less happy, according to a new DePauw University study. A smiler’s positive disposition may attract other happy people or rub off on a spouse.

2. You have a sister (Fail...always wanted one...never got one...that's why Ayris is GOING to have one...)

People with at least one female sibling report better social support, more optimism, and better coping abilities, according to a study presented at the British Psychological Society’s annual conference. Sisters appear to encourage communication and cohesion in families.

3. You're not glued to the TV (And here I thought this was what ADDED to my already successful amount of happiness??)

The happiest people spend 30% less time parked in front of the tube, according to a University of Maryland study that analyzed 34 years of data from more than 45,000 Americans. They’re more likely to spend time socializing, reading, or attending religious services—habits that are linked to better moods and health.

4. You keep souvenirs on display (Do my kids count as souvenirs? Because I have a lot of them...and they are constantly on display...and quiet frankly, they ARE a constant reminder of all the good times I used to to be capable of having...I kid, I kid...sorta.)

People who use mementos or photos to remind themselves of good times better appreciate their lives and are happier, says Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD, a professor of psychology at University of California, Riverside. Good memories remind you of your “happiness potential” and promise that soon you can reach it again.

5.  You make exercise a priority (You know, I ran 3 days in a row and then I got my stupid period and felt like I was close to dying yesterday...I told Chris I either need to get back on the pill or get pregnant because I can't handle the felt like really bad contractions...minus the drugs...Not Cool. I feel like I've been on the pill for as long as I can remember but I know I wasn't in high school...and I never remember periods sucking as much as they do now...none the less, I will be exercising again, starting Today).

People who exercise more are less likely to be stressed and more likely to be satisfied with life, according to Danish researchers. Compared with sedentary people, joggers are 70% less likely to have high stress levels and life dissatisfaction, the study found. Couch potatoes who start moderate exercise—the equivalent of 17 to 34 minutes a day—experience the greatest happiness lift.

6.  You have a healthy love life (I'm not sure about the statement below...married people get 30% more sex than singles...I need more it married people WITHOUT children?? Or married people WITH children? Because there's a big difference)

Physical intimacy is a key contributor to happiness, found a study by Dartmouth economist David Blanchflower, PhD, and Andrew Oswald, PhD, of England's University of Warwick. Married people report 30% more sex than singles, which may be one reason they also report being happier.

7.  You hang out with happy people (I don't really have a lot of time to "hang out" in general...with happy people or not...the kids are generally happy though...maybe that counts??)

Socializing with a cheerful person in your neighborhood increases the likelihood that you’ll be happy too, according to a new study. How often you get together matters most, say the researchers: People who live within half a mile of a buoyant buddy increase their odds of being happy by 42%. If the friend lives farther away (within a 2-mile radius), the chances drop to 22%—probably due to fewer get-togethers.

8.  You stay warm with hot cocoa (This just seems like a strange study altogether...Hey, let's study whether or not people are happier when they're drinking hot cocoa!...seriously though...not a big fan of warm drinks, which in this case makes me untrusting and not generous...who ever knew you could get all that from whether or not I drank cocoa =)

Clutching a steaming beverage—coffee and tea also do the trick—can elicit a flood of positive feelings, according to a Yale University study. This may be because people associate physical warmth with emotional warmth, say the researchers. Study subjects held cups of either hot or iced coffee; those gripping warm mugs were more appreciative of friendliness in others and also felt more generous and trusting themselves.

9.  You have two best friends (I have at least 2 friends, maybe 3 =) But they all have kids, which really limits the amount of time for get-togethers AND they live more than 2 miles away so, as indicated above, it doesn't really bode well for our relationships)

Among 654 married adults, those who said they had at least two “best friends” (not necessarily including one’s spouse) were likelier to have better mental well-being, says a study. But additional friends didn’t lead to any more happiness than just a pair.

I just realized after going through this quiz...having kids = less room for souvenirs around the house because of the thousands of pictures of said kids strewed about...having kids = less time for sex...having kids = less time for exercise...having kids = less time for having kids, is according to this study, taking key signs of my happiness away. EXCEPT, kids like cocoa, so I find myself having cocoa more now (like at least once a year versus never before) score one for the kids there. I'm starting to think this study might not be for me afterall...BUT I am going to heavily lean on the idea that Sisters make a person more I can validate my need to give Ayris one of her very own.

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