Me: Hey little's not time to wake up right now =)
SO I moved him from the crib to his papasan swing...I turn on the music and the light up stars...then I give him his pacifier and go back to bed...
5 minutes later (You know, just enough time to fall back into a deep sleep), he's shaking the whole swing he's jerking his legs so hard. He's broken free from his swaddle blanket.
So I reswaddle him and move him to his Fisher Price Sleep N Play (thinking that he doesn't want the movement of the swing) and give him a bottle this time...he acts like it's the most disgusting thing he's ever tasted but decides he'll drink it anyway. I go back to bed.
A few minutes later...he's broken the swaddle again...the problem with the swaddling is that he's getting to a point where he doesn't want it anymore...BUT he can't get to sleep without it because he just takes his hands and rubs his eyes forever and if his nails are more than 3 days overgrown, he puts little scratches all over his face I drag myself back out there and he's got the biggest smile ever on his I decide we'll cuddle on the we laid there and I rubbed his head and talked to him while he kept jerking his legs, rubbing his eyes and smiling back at me...after a good 20 minutes of that, I decided to put him in his crib again with his pacifier...I stood another 25 minutes or so peering in from the tent we have over the crib (so the cats don't get in)...I watched him gazing at his little projector mobile...and I watched him break free from the 500th swaddle I had put him in that night...I watched as he ran his hands along the sides of the bumper pad...then I turned off the mobile with the remote to see what he'd do (since he was actively staying awake for the mobile show)...he started I reswaddled him and put him back in the swing...I told him AGAIN that it was time to go to bed and I gave him his pacifier.
I've lost track at this point, how many more trips I made back out into the loft but I finally raised my voice and told him to knock it off and to save his smiles for some other day because I was going to bed and was not coming back AND I didn't care if he yelled and screamed and broke his swaddle for the rest of the night! Then I left...and I crawled back into bed and I listened to him cry for a good 15 minutes. And then it was quiet. And then I thought maybe he was dead...because really, can you just be crying and then all of a sudden stop for no good reason? So I made my 287th walk out to the loft (that I said I wasn't going to do again) to make sure he was breathing...AND he was. And he was sleeping! And I'll be darned if that kid didn't sleep for 4 hours straight! That doesn't sound like a lot but it is for the second shift of the night. He usually will give us 4-5 hours at the beginning of the night but when he goes down at 7 and we don't go to bed until 11 or so, we have a good hour before he's up and then the second half of the night he's up like every hour or every other until around 6:30 or 7. AND when he woke up at 6:15, I gave him a bottle and he went back to bed until 7:40! Good boy. I'm going to have to work on being that person who lets their kid cry it out. The problem with that is that it takes 2 hours of my being up and trying 20 different things for me to get to the point where I don't care...I wish I could push a button that would instantly give me that irritated feeling so I could handle him crying for 10-15 minutes at a time...but I don' I'm sure I'll continue rushing right out there whenever he stirs =(
It's easy to be a sucker for someone this cute:
At the Scarecrow festival...
My chunk-a-monk is FINALLY big enough that I can start carrying him on my hip...And he's SO smart, he has already mastered the death grip on my shirt when I'm carrying him like this.
So Ayris just looks up from playing her game, sees the ad below and says "Mom, can you get the recipe for those colorful hamburgers?"...and then goes back to playing her game. Obviously those aren't hamburgers but, if they were, would you even be interested in eating one??? Apparently pink hamburgers are appealing to her.
Also, a few days ago, I had Adler sitting by me and he was kicking me because now that he's used to being in his jumper, he tends to just keep his legs going all of the time..even when he's out of Asher looks over and sees that he's kicking me...he walks over to him, gets down to his level and says "Adler, stop kicking Mommy! She's a girl you know!"
Seriously, he's does he determine gender-wise, who it's appropriate to kick and not kick??
In other news, I'm being lazy on WW's...last week I still lost but instead of the 2.2 pounds the first week, it was only I need another 1.4 to hit 5 pounds total this week...but I hate recording stuff and I'm kind of over measuring stuff...BUT I still am not eating all of the things I want to eat so I personally feel like I should be losing weight based on that fact alone...and perhaps coupled with the fact that I am still doing my couch to 5K running program...running for 3 minutes straight 2 times the other day was not that fun in my book. AND I keep seeing ads for Arby's and I REALLY want to go much in fact that last night during my 4 hour stretch of sleep, I dreamt that I was over at my friend Michelle's house and we were about to leave to go there for dinner...wouldn't you know we never made it before my dream ended...I can't even eat in my dreams! Bleh.
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