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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Asher!!

Happy Happy Birthday to the coolest little man I know!  Not only does Asher melt my heart everyday with the little things he says/does (today I mentioned that my neck hurt and he goes "Oh mommy, your neck hurts?  Well let me come and rub it for you!") but his ever emerging personality continues to amaze me on so many levels.  His imagination runs wild with baby frogs that must be cared for and passed from family member to family member (we have unlimited amounts of imaginary baby frogs to hand out), or giant robots and killer ants...he's obsessed with spiderman but has been known to request an episode of Hello Kitty too...ever since getting his head shaved, he is absolutely against getting haircuts so this time next year, he may be sporting some shoulder length locks...he still waits to go pee until the very last second, so at least 4 times a day, we get to witness him doing his frantic little pee dance until he is fully declothed and can run lightening fast to the bathroom...he loves his daddy something fierce these days but lately has been requesting to sleep with mom (Score one for me!  Could this be the return of my baby boy?!?!  Probably not but I'm crossing all my fingers and toes).  He stays up far too late and sleeps in even later...and is probably borderline addicted to his spiderman video game right now but hey...he's only 3 once, so we're going to let him have his cake and eat it too...for now...until preschool starts for him and he's required to grow up and get on a more regular schedule =)

Here are a few pictures from his party this past weekend...







These pictures below were taken when Ayris was staying overnight at Grandma Callie's...I asked Ayris to talk to Adler and he was getting SO excited so I whipped out the camera and got some of his last reactions to hearing her sweet!!!  THIS is exactly why I'm having these many with so little space between...I love seeing their relationships develop...

Two last things before I go...I'm down 2.2 pounds from last week...good grief, only another 10 or so to go...and I'm already SO ready to quit.  But I won' least I hope I won't =)  Lots of super yummy things have been calling my name like all week...

Second, an exchange between Chris and myself a few days ago after I spotted like a billion ants covering some pieces of catfood that Sabine apparently knocked out of her bowl...

Me:  Man!  Look at all these can I get them off of that food without killing any of them?
Chris:  I don't know...suck them up with the vacuum?
Me:  Um no, they'll die in the vacuum!!
Chris:  No they won't.
Me:  Yes they will, they'll have nothing to eat.  Maybe they'll have siesta time later and I can pick it up then??
Chris:  Yeah, actually, you should have been down here last night when they were all watching Grey's, there wasn't a one in sight!
Me:  (Giggle, giggle, giggle)...I'll just get my tweezers and pick up the tiny pieces of food later...
That Chris...sometimes he surprises me with that long forgotten sense of humor he used to whip out when we first started dating!

Happy Birthday one last time to one of the best little boys on the face of the planet!  I love you always and forever buddy =)

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