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Saturday, September 18, 2010

In My Crazy Mind...

Oh where to begin...I went to see the movie Easy A with my friend Michelle I was driving home after dropping her off, I was thinking about how cool it would be to redo highschool as the 29 year old that I am now...don't get me wrong, I LOVED school and especially highschool but if I could have known what I know now (how many times have you heard that line!), I would have cared a lot less about the little things...of course, they were big things then but still...then I got to thinking about how insanely excited I am for the fall lineup to start on Monday...(for you know, those 20 some odd shows that I'm going to magically find time to watch) and about my previous comments about living vicariously through the people in those programs and I finally came to the conclusion that I spend a lot of time envying other people and what they're doing (be it in movies or in real life)...wishing I could have done things differently in the past or could do things differently now.  I bought this card a few years back and just came across it the other day:

"Take surprise in each sunrise and comfort in each moon.  Move often, carrying your Home with you.  Climb mountains.  Stroll beaches.  Drive cars on busy streets and sail bicycles down big hills.  Love among the Hate when love is what you truly feel.  Suck strength from your anger; and then let it go.  Scream at the ocean.  Run when the sign says walk.  Question authority and accept Change.  Fill your soul instead of your pockets.  Have lunch on busy sidewalks.  Dance alone in your kitchen.  Talk to everyone you meet, including the soldiers in your head.  Watch closely.  Read something.  Listen hard.  Smile in every mirror.  Grow with each tear.  With a heart and a brain, loneliness is unacceptable.  HAVE FUN! without maps or directions.  Cherish Happiness.  Buy it if you have to, but always give it away freely.  Wear short skirts and long dresses.  Wave at the uniformed and the unsavory.  Keep them guessing, and praying, and hoping, and laughing.  Struggle.  Fight, Try, Reach, Build, Learn, Crawl, Invent, Rally, Fall, Get Up Again.  And if the heavens should happen to open, offering transportation to even the smallest of dreams, Ride the nearest cloud."

Those words sum up exactly how I'd like to be...if I could be and do all of those things, I probably wouldn't be envisioning what it would be like to redo highschool at 29 or getting caught up in the idea that life is somehow more colorful/envigorating/eventful for other people.  I've said many times, even recently how fortunate/blessed I am to be leading the life that I am but that human aspect of me always thinks it could be better...I could be better, therefore providing a better existence for not only myself but for the kids as well.  BUT I'd be willing to bet, I'm not the lone soul who sits at home watching shows at night or always having the mindset of "Wouldn't it be cool IF" but alas, never following through with it...I could be wrong but I know I've only found myself in awe a handful of times over the people who really do live each day as though it's their last.  And call me crazy but IF the good Lord would just give it up and give me another daughter, I have this feeling she's going to be like that (how's that for placing expectations on a not even conceived yet child!)...Little miss Addison Lively is going to be the girl who is out living her life instead of watching it all on tv...she's going to be the girl who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to get it, regardless of what other people think...she's going to be so self confident and strong, that even when she's wrong, she'll admit it, move on and be more respected because of it...she'll be respectful, yet question authority if she really feels it's necessary; she'll be fiery but with a heart of gold...the popular kid in school who wouldn't think twice about offering the least popular kid in school a ride home when she sees them walking in the least that's how I envision it in my head...OR she could turn out to be exactly like me...sitting at home counting down the days until the next Grey's Anatomy, but hopefully not =)  Whoever she turns out to be, she'll be amazing, just like all three of her siblings...I guess the ultimate point here, is that I want more happiness for my kids, then I'll ever be able to figure out how to give I'm hoping, just hoping, that along the way, they can all figure out how to suck every last bit of goodness out of this one precious life they've been given...

But enough of Deep Thoughts with Michelle Collins...on to some pictures...I love this first picture of Ayris and Asher...I just don't like that Adler looks like a little outsider.




Oh man, don't you just want to squeeze those cheeks and gobble up those cute little feet!! 

Ayris being the great little mom/sister that she is...I have a video that I'll have to upload at some point that I took tonight...I noticed Ayris was talking in "that voice", the one where you sound like a straight up idiot when talking to a baby...just to make them was super cute =)

And alas, turns out, Ayris wants to eat Adler just like her mommy!  This eat-the-baby face must be as natural as the idiot voice when trying to entertain a baby...

And THESE are the bins I got at Walmart the other day...I started the kids out with the under the bed storage bins for all their little treasures that keeping for them...pregnancy sticks, photo books I've made, drawings, cards, monogrammed pjs from Pottery Barn that I spent way too much on considering they outgrew them in a few months, etc...if you notice, Ayris' bin is almost full, which makes me question how many bins we're going to be having with 4-5 kids over the course of 18 years of each of their lives??

That's all for now...I was going to go to bed early and it's nearing 11 again already!!

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