ANYWAY, this is serving as my kids baby book so I decided I needed to snap out of it and post some pictures before they're grown...
The many faces of Ayris...these particular pictures were taken right after she had won the Dora and Tigger memory game for like the 15th time. Seriously, there's nothing like losing time and time again to a 4 year old...when literally all you're expected to do is remember a few pictures on some cards! She's as sharp as a tack though and WAY smarter than I was as a kid (and I was smart so she's just THAT good =)...needless to say, I have high hopes for this one being able to manage the family once I'm too old to do so...
Seriously, this kid, as all the others before him, is like 96% head and 4% eyes, nose, ears and mouth =) The way he's turning and with his bib though, it kind of looks like he's in the barber's chair...
Okay, so I know this picture is blurry but I still love it for some reason...he just looks so he's modeling and knows that he has it going on. These were those buttless pajamas...they didn't make as cute of pictures as I'd hoped...I needed him to be walking for them to work how I wanted them to and it turns out he's busting out of them in a 12 month, I don't think we're going to make it another 7 months until he's walking to get the butt picture...
Adler in his Dallas Cowboys Onesie/Hat...
He's just started doing this thing with his lips where he turns them inward...Chris pointed out that he's doing it when he laughs now too...
Doing it again...oh but look at those cheeks! Couldn't you just eat him up!!!
This next picture...Ayris made her very own pink cupcake, with purple frosting, pink sprinkles and a cherry on top...all her idea...this girl could be SO many things when she grows up! (As I was just reading this through, I had to laugh...other people who aren't moms could be reading this thinking "Dude, she made a cupcake...she didn't invent the wheel" BUT it's not just about her colorful cupcakes...she's very good at putting these crazy delightful outfits together...she's super smart and full of knowledge...I'm envious of her memory...she's extremely creative...the list goes on and on...but it's not solely because I'm her mother...if she were someone else's child, I'm sure I'd think the same thing..."Oh the places she will go...") And in the second picture, it looks as though Adler has been having a few cupcakes himself...popping those buttons off his 12 month outfit!
Instead of those yummy cupcakes, Adler is now getting lots of homeade baby food...yea for something I'm sticking with! My three big things I wanted to do with this pregnancy was breastfeed (finally gave up at 1 month because I wasn't getting enough milk), cloth diaper (that lasted like 2 seconds once I realized how much work and extra laundry there'd be AND the fact that his then 3 month butt was more like a 12 month butt in clothes) and lastly, I wanted to make my own babyfood...well score one finally because this is something I can do for Adler and I feel good doing it...and it's super simple to cook stuff up and then freeze it in these little cubes...AND I have a book chalk full of recipes that add stuff like cumin and other spices that will aide in creating a bigger palette for him in the future?? AND the picture on the right...I was so giddy when I opened the mailbox and saw 2 different sets of halloween cards for my THREE children =) It's the first holiday since Adler has been born so it kind of hit me...well there was July 4th but seemingly, no one sends cards for that one =) I also got a little twinge of happiness the other day because I've had Adler's big boy carseat installed for the past few weeks because his legs are hanging out of his infant carseat but I've had to carry him a few times when shopping because he's not readily sitting up in a cart...anyway, the other day, I decided to move Asher's carseat to the back row with Ayris so I could use Adler's infant carseat (and leave his installed carseat in at the same time) while we ran some errands...and with all 4 carseats in, it hit me that one day, the entire back car will be filled with kids (it doesn't feel full yet)...and if that weren't enough...look at all of us here! Me and all my babies =)
Yeah, it's not the most flattering picture...(I was laying on the floor with cramps sent from the devil himself (I'm not kidding, I would at times have to drop to my knees just to get through them...I felt like I was in labor minus the that normal people?) I do know that I will be on the pill after I'm done having kids until my uterus falls out because I don't plan on dealing with menstral cramps ever again after we're done having kids) BUT that's what I look like 90% of the time anyways AND just seeing all of us laying there takes away from the ugly =)
Asher has said some things lately to Chris that he wanted to make sure got on the blog baby book:
Asher: Look I have a penis...
Chris: Yes, I see that...
Asher: Sometimes it stands up...
Chris: Yeah, they'll do that...
Asher: It stands up to look for food...Penis food.
A few days later...
Chris: Remember what we were talking about last night, did you ask mommy yet?
Asher: Yes.
Chris: What did she say?
Asher: She said be quiet.
Asher never asked me anything so I didn't have the opportunity to respond in that way, BUT, in his defense...I AM consistently telling the kids to be quiet =)
Love it!