So I discovered the other day, that Adler is only awake anywhere from 7-8 hours a day. He sleeps about 12-13 hours at night (not all the way through but getting up to eat or be changed I don't count as "awake" time) and then he wakes up...after about 2 hours, he's ready to go down...he'll sleep anywhere from 2-3 hours and then wake up for another 2-3 hours, then go down for his second nap, that is normally about 2 hours...then he wakes up for another 2-3 hours and then it's bedtime! I'm trying to figure out what's making that kid need so much sleep (the other kids NEVER slept like that during the day)...and
some people would say "Oh he's just growing!" but as I was laying in bed thinking about it the other night, I don't think
growing takes much effort...matter of fact, I can grow a few pounds in a couple of days and I don't even break a's getting smaller that takes a lot of work. So, I have decided that Adler and I need to switch places...I should be sleeping about 16 hours a day while trying to lose weight and Adler should be good staying awake that long =) It's just crazy to think that he sleeps for as long as I'm awake during the day and that I sleep for as long as he's awake.
I took the kids out to get a few fall photos before winter rolls are some of my favorites...
I love these next two photos of Ayris and Adler...she just looks so grown up =(
And there's something about her smile in this one that I love...
Today's apparently going to be the day Adler stays up a million hours...he's been trying to go down for a nap for about an hour now and he's super fussy...overtired I guess, anyway, he's refusing to sleep...little rascal just wants to prove me wrong!
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