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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sign #538 that I am becoming an OLD person...and a bunch of other random things...

As I got into probably my 20th bath this pregnancy, I reminded myself that I used to hate addition to being what I felt was a monumental waste of time, it all seemed kind of gross to be sitting in your own dirty water...doing...well...nothing.  Showers were so much more convenient and time saving...not to mention streams of CLEAN water continuously flowing...but as I sat there last night, I realized it was kind of lock the children out and have some quiet...all the while being surround by about 25 various bright colored tub toys that lined the entire rim of my bathtub.  Of course, I must admit...I barely fit into our shower mother has said that it's about the size of a biffy stall (to get an idea of the size...they overcompensated for our nice huge tub and scrimped on our tiny shower) and I've noticed my back hurting anytime I take one these, this isn't to say that I won't go back to hating baths once I can fit into our shower comfortably AND not need to be all encompassed in hot water to help my that regard, maybe it's not a sign of being old...but just fat and pregnant instead.  Because according to Ayris...pregnant = fat.  She's never said a word about actual fat people being fat...I don't think she notices fat in that way...but my stomach is apparently fat.

A few other thoughts on life by Ayris lately:

She was playing with her dogs and she said, "Now we have to be careful with them because they don't know what mean is and I don't know how to be nice"...

I could not have said that better...the child is horrible with animals.  She literally LOVES them to a bad sort of way.

And as Chris was leaving for band practice just now:

Chris: OK, have fun at Grandma Callie's today and listen to what she tells you to do.
Ayris: I always listen.
Chris: You always listen to Grandma Callie or you always listen?
Ayris: I always listen to everyone, but not mommy.

SEE!!!  It's not just in my head...this girl is out to get me and drive me crazy.  Not sure why I'm so h*ll bent on bringing another girl into the world so she can have a sister!  I'm SO selfless...and what does that get me?  A daughter who doesn't remember to draw me into her pictures and who listens to everyone but me! =) 

As for her brother...yesterday he says:

Asher:  Mom, tell Ayris to stop doing that!
Mom:  Tell her to stop doing what buddy?

...and so it begins.  Stupidest request ever that seems to come out of every child with a siblings' mouth.

ALSO, I just read this woman's blog this cracked me up and I can SO relate...I want Chris' company to send me a babysitter, chef and housekeeper anytime he travels...that would make things SO much easier!  I'll be complaining below her post about my doctor and a lazy nurse who may be delaying my Tuesday due date.

(Taken from:

Good morning, friends.

This moment right now, where I am sitting on the couch with my laptop on my lap and my red coffee mug not too far away? This moment for me, IT IS PEACE.

Yesterday, Brian left for a five day business trip to LA, leaving me home with Anna, Noah and Elijah. Alone. For five days. You remember, Elijah, right? The newborn? Yes, him.
He’s a handful, friends. I’m not going to come here and complain about how difficult yesterday was because BOOOWHOWANTSTOHEARIT? Instead, I’m going to tell you how much I love this moment right now. The sun is shining, I showered! Yesterday I vacuumed! (and woke the baby because of it, but still!) And my two older children? They are the best.

I still wonder why my husband goes on business trips and his company is like “here, take our card, order food, drink wine, have room service, make sure housekeeping comes in and cleans up after you and make sure you sleep well on that big, warm, over-priced, comfortable bed.”

While I’m at home flying solo with three kids, not sleeping, eating cold macaroni and cheese while trying to find the time to clean the toilets. How about he gets the macaroni and cheese and his company sends me a babysitter, a chef and a housekeeper to help me out while he’s away. It’s all so backwards, don’t you think?

(I promise you, I’m not bitter at Brian, I’M JUST SAYIN’, OKAY?!) (and I’ve said this to him and he laughs! and he better agree….)

Obviously, I only have a few moments to spend here, which are now almost over. My neighborhood is having it’s annual garage sale this weekend, so Eli and I are going to peruse the goods and get some fresh air. Because it’s sunny outside. Not raining. And not forty degrees.

It’s good stuff.

END OF HER BLOG POST...sounds like she's somewhere as awesome as MN with the weather she's had and is now having...thank GOD for this beautiful sunshine outside yesterday and today.

SO...I had mentioned before about O'Neil having a nurse call the hospital on Friday (yesterday) to set up my induction since you have to do it 48 hours in advance...she told me if I hadn't heard from the clinic by noon, to call them.  So I did...whoever I was transferred to, had no idea what I was talking about and told me she didn't see any notes in my chart about calling the hospital...she said O'Neil could just call on Monday...Hello!  Then I explained again WHY O'Neil had told me to make sure a nurse had called on Friday...because of the 48 hours advance notice bit...Yeah, the nurse said there wasn't a lot she could do for me...she'd talk to another doctor and get back to me.  First off...what's talking to another doctor going to do?  Zippo...none of the other doctors are going to know what's going's called...pick up the phone and take the 2 minutes it's going to take to phone my doctor and get reassurance from her that yes, in fact, your lazy butt is supposed to call the hospital to schedule this...I mean, do I sound like a crazy person who is making this up???  Do pregnant women generally call in making crazy claims of doctor approved inductions when they aren't really approved???  Needless to say, dumb woman never called me back (do I sound bitter...cuz I still am) I emailed O'Neil (knowing full well one of the nurses would read it first) explaining that the nurses there knew nothing about scheduling an induction...nor did they call me back...and could she please call on Monday.  I have an appointment on Monday but not until 9:45 so I'm hoping O'Neil will be calling first thing...or maybe she'll see my email today or someone will forward it on to her...who knows!  But at this point...we may be looking at a Wednesday induction if we can't get in because of this 48 hour stuff...AND if I get denied on Wednesday because of the hospital being booked...we are then cutting it a little close and I may not even get to go to RJ's wedding.  As much as it's not about needing this little man out (because honestly, I'm still scared about taking care of 3 kids right now), it's about messing with my plans.  I HATE HATE HATE when I can't have complete control over my plans...this is why I was never good in expectations were always bigger than could be met and of course, I can manage things better for myself than other people can...isn't that the case for everyone?

Needless to say may be getting your birthday wish...I'm still hoping for Tuesday but my hopes just might be dashed this time around...I'll update on Monday after my appointment with O'Neil.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! It'll all work out ... I'm certain. I've been thinking about you a lot and am sending strong, positive thoughts your way! Best wishes, and I'm excited to see updates and pics!! xo

