Part of the reason I'm posting about this vacuum is because of the funny exchange that happened between Chris and I this afternoon that *almost* had me peeing my pants.
So I get home from going to the grocery store...but before I had left for the store, I asked Chris if he needed anything...he said no. So here was our conversation that followed after I returned home.
Chris: Oh, so I thought of something I should have had you get...I need some more Pepsi Max...
Me: Oh, yeah, no, I noticed that you were running low/almost out but currently, the prices of pop are running around $3/$3.50 per 12 I'm actually waiting until the end of May for the Memorial Day sale that Rainbow always has...where you can get 5 (12) packs for $7.50 total.
Chris: Okay, so it's May 1st want me to wait an entire month for some pop so you can save a few dollars. This is like the 5th vacuum you bought, but the Pepsi Max is where we are going to sacrifice so we can save some money???
Oh my goodness, I could hardly keep the pee in I was laughing so hard...he wasn't being mean...he was joking about it because obviously that seemed totally ludicrous that I would make him wait that long...I was just explaining my reasoning (we have other pop in the fridge...Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, A&W, etc) about why his hadn't been replenished...writing this out, it totally sounds like I'm loony who goes through vacuums left and right while he's totally mistreated and doesn't ever get anything but that's NOT the case at all. My vacuum addiction (which for clarification is only up to 4...I still have my trusty Kenmore canister vacuum and my bissel lasted a year and this dirt devil just went kaput after about 3 months) can be compared to his guitar addiction...I guarantee he's bought as many guitars as I have vacuums since we've been together =) And I fully support him...AND I just found out this morning that one of his gaming magazines has now come back on the market and told him I was going to get it for him...nor do I make impulse purchases...I researched that stupid vacuum for about 4 hours online and then even went to best buy to try out the models to make sure they weren't going to eat our carpet (one person commented the suction was so powerful it could ruin shag carpet...and though I wouldn't call this's not completely flat)...and Chris knows these things about me which is why I think he supports the things that I want...luckily, money has never been an issue/fighting point in our marriage like every opinion poll states as one of the top things that couples fight about...anyway, enough blathering...I need to scour the new Sunday pricing at all the major stores to see who has Pepsi marked the cheapest!!
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