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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

38 Week Update...

So I was still 50% effaced, and at a -2 station...and 1.5 centimeters dilated...although I wouldn't be surprised if her digging around for 5 uncomfortable minutes put me at about 2 centimeters =)  She told me there might be blood because some of my mucus plug came out when she was "done" all wanted to know that right?  And the fact that it's still bloody when I wipe--she doesn't mess around when she checks me...then she got my "bishop number" see if I was a candidate for induction...the Bishop's Score is based on station, dilation, effacement, position and consistency...and Dr. O'Neil said for a 2nd or 3rd pregnancy, they recommend you have a bishop score of 5 or higher...I was a 6 so it's a go for a Tuesday induction thus far...we have to call the hospital on Friday to "schedule it" and then I will have to call on Tuesday morning to see if they have room for me to be admitted.

So yesterday morning, I was 178.2 pounds (8.2 pounds over my goal of not going over 170) and last night, my stupid self had KFC...which, along with Chinese ALWAYS shows up on the scale the next morning (I assume from the salt) so I was exactly 179 this a.m. butt naked...I KNEW I would be 180 on their scale with my clothes yeah, I got naked...well, aside from my bra and underwear...the nurse seemed a little giggly as I was explaining while taking off my dress that I did NOT want 180 pounds being written down in my thank you...I am not hitting 180 and I am 99% sure that I won't between now and Tuesday...once the effect from KFC has diminished in the next day, I will be back at 178 and I don't see myself gaining 2 pounds in the next 6 days...not gonna happen!  What sucks though is my doctor said to just make an appointment for Monday as a checkup...what the heck...I'm sure I'll be getting naked again!  None the less my weight gain thus far is only 23 pounds so I guess I should be happy about that...

I also got O'Neil's guess for measurements/weight/day...I forgot to ask about time...she thinks he'll be born on the 18th, weighing around 7 pounds 11 ounces at 21.5 inches long...we'll see how good her baby guessing skills are...

I think that's all for now...I'm too lazy to make my hair presentable for a 38 week picture so perhaps I'll take a 39 week picture later...

On the way home, I told Ayris that she potentially only has 6 more days until she meets her which she responded:

"I can't wait to hold my brother...I'm going to love him a lot...because I want him along with 100 other boys and girls to all follow me one day and do everything I tell them to do...." 

Awesome...we're raising a potential cult leader.  That is seriously the first thing that popped into my head...well, perhaps the second...the FIRST thing that popped into my head is that I was hoping she wasn't counting on me and my uterus to supply those 100 followers!  Maybe she'll be a motivational speaker instead?? 

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