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Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm Dating Betty White...

Let me just set up the scene...I drive up to some fancy New York skyscraper and let Betty White out...I tell her I'll wait right there while she gets her hair done...then Sarah Jessica Parker climbs into my car...(because you know...we're tight like that!)

Me: So, you wanna know something? I'm dating Betty White...that's weird right?
Sarah Jessica Parker: No...actually, I think it's kind of cool.

Say what?? Yeah, that was my dream as of about 3:01 this of the FEW times I've been happy to hear my alarm go off...Betty White is cool and all, but the girl needs to get out of my dreams.

In other news, Adler is actually turning into a not so perfect child...he's still like 95% perfect right now but he had just finished a bottle when I got down here (and usually I feed him his 3 a.m. bottle because I like to see all my hard pumped milk flowing from the bottle I'm feeding him) so I was like whatever, I'll just this craziness that is Betty White on the blog and then head back to bed...Yeah...the little man started fussing so I picked him up and started multi-tasking...picture editing/blogging/pumping and rocking him while stroking his head with one hand and doing the editing with another...but he kept making his little grunts...needless to say, he just finished off ANOTHER 2 ounces that I just pumped in addition to the 3 ounces 10 minutes ago...all I have to say about that is that he is going to be in T.R.O.U.B.L.E if any of that milk comes up! Throwing up formula is one thing...throwing up MY milk is another since I endure the pain and slave over making it 24/7! Needless to say, this might be the beginning of a new chapter...I might actually have THREE kids at this point instead of like 2.2 kids...which is what it's seemed like since he sleeps 24/7 (and don't get me wrong...the kid has been work...he may sleep...but he is now eating every 2-3 hours and I am pumping every 2-3 hours (even at night!) and I'm averaging about 2-3 loads of laundry a day partly in thanks to him and I'm now changing 2-3 poopy diapers a day (and more pee), and cleaning out bottles and pump parts multiple times a day and of course wanting to hold him the rest of the if you do the math...he's still a little time stealer...BUT in addition to sucking up my time...he might just start to have a little fussiness/attitude thrown on top of it =) Which is fine...because I was beginning to wonder what was wrong with one can be perfect 100% of the time right? =) Time to go rock my boy =) But not without a few pictures...





1 comment:

  1. I love the little scrunched up pics of Adler: chin on his chest, asleep. Adorable!

