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Monday, June 1, 2009

Incessant Talking...

Okay, so we've all heard of those sad cases where children are raised by animals or neglected with limited or no human interaction growing up (sometimes referred to as a feral child) and the negative impacts that come with that neglect...on the flip side, I'm starting to think that incessant talking comes with it's own negative side becoming mentally incapacitated to the point of being certifiably insane...these effects being the outcome for the actual LISTENER. Ayris-talks-nonstop! For the most part, I can usually tune it out...that sounds mean, like as aforementioned I'm neglecting my own child...but the alternative of...child far worse than not always paying attention to my child. Seriously though...I'm beginning to question if her constant talking could truly drive me insane...sometimes I literally feel like my head is going to explode if she says another word...and I welcome the idea of actually experiencing it right then and there. I turned on my camera to record her goings on and that's when she hello? What is that? Quiet? Well that figures...I WANT her to continue so I can prove just how long she can go on...and on....and on...and nada. Well of course...the goal is to always do the exact opposite of what your parents would like for you to do right?

At this point, I'm thinking I might just go out and buy a few more video cameras...perhaps set them up in every room...I'll just turn them on every few hours so mommy can have a few minutes of silence.

On another note, Ayris woke up this morning and told me she wanted to be like she picked this outfit out:
Are kids smart or what? She's obviously noticed that my color of choice is black...

and not to leave Asher out:
Perhaps she's more like me than she thinks...there were MULTIPLE occasions in grade school that I would get sent home with a note that my parents had to sign because I had been talking too much in class. My report cards even reflected this truth...I always had U's (unsatisfactory) in the quiet and cooperative/listening sections. My grades were great I guess you take the good with the bad...Ayris is thus far proving to be brilliant so I'm not going to complain if we get a few notes sent this point, I welcome the notes...because that means she's talking someone else's ear off =)

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