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Thursday, June 18, 2009

I guess "I don't care" sometimes means no too...

So lately, when Ayris asks for something I've been saying "I don't care." And she always responds with "Does that mean yes?" After about the 89th time of her asking me if "I don't care" meant "Yes", I told her that I-don't-care always means yes. Fast forward to the weekend...or rewind in this case. Right after we pull up to the blue Target:

Mommy: Ayris, they have a redbox here and I have a free code, want to get a movie?
Ayris: I don't care.
Mommy: Okay, then we'll just skip it and get one some other day.
Ayris: NO!!! I don't care always means yes!

And here I thought she really didn't care! It's difficult to remind myself that kids not only take things extremely literally but they also don't forget a thing!!! So, I guess I don't care sometimes means that a person really doesn't care and sometimes, if you're a woman and a man is asking, you might say I don't care but really mean that you do care and if he doesn't follow through, he's going to be in trouble! "I don't care" really can be a confusing thing to say =)

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