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Thursday, June 25, 2009

I know I have issues...

So earlier, I posted about getting a addition to that, I picked up a game (actually, the word game isn't as fitting a word as "hell on a disc") called My Fitness was on sale for 19.99 from 29.99. Of course I went home to look at the reviews before making my purchase and all the posts talked about how it was SUCH a great workout and way better than the Wii fit...

Well those reviews were no lies...this is such a great workout that I couldn't even make it past the personal profile without needing someone to revive me. Before I was to begin, it wanted to make sure that I was well rested and hadn't done anything strenuous in the last 30 minutes or so...CHECK...pretty sure the last strenuous thing I did was have a baby and that's going on 22 months ago. 30 minutes, 22 months...same difference right? I think what she should have said is that in order to make it through the personal profile, you should have been working out hardcore for the past 30 days of your life and have just recently stopped to take a short 30 minute break before doing the profile.

The first few requests were least after the 15 minute search for our tape measure...I had to measure all of my body parts and enter in the information...then I had to take my resting heart rate...11 beats in 10 seconds...practically dead on the couch, I know...and yes, I took my heart rate on the couch instead of standing up...I would have done all of my measuring on the comfort of my couch too had I been able to....THEN it asked me to do 2 minutes worth of jumping jacks...EASY, I thought. I actually used to be in shape...and jumping jacks are no big deal. There was a little pie chart that was being filled in as the time went by...and by time, I mean the excruciating 39 hours that it felt one point, I stopped my jumping jacks because I was convinced the pie chart was didn't seem to be filling up as fast as I felt 2 minutes should which point, my instructor informed me I had one minute down...say what Maya? Yes, my personal instructor has a name...I already hate her...because whatever world Maya lives in...the minutes are a lot longer than 60 seconds.

After my 2 minutes of jumping jacks (and I'll be honest...with the 5 mini breaks I took in those two was probably more like a minute and ten seconds worth of time I put into it...I made sure to speed up the last 10 seconds though to make up the difference) I reclaimed my spot back on the couch and took my pulse...36 beats in 10 seconds...according to Maya, that was a HIGH INTENSITY workout for me...I've known something was wrong with me for a while...I get winded anytime I go up the stairs! But seriously...jumping jacks? Some people run 26 mile marathons...but Michelle...well hey, I can do about a minute of jumping jacks and I'm done for.

Then it wanted me to do squats...well I had to rest for about 10 minutes before I could even attempt those...but I went ahead and did them...then it wanted push ups and stretches...whatever, at this point, I just gave Maya my best guess. The personal my opinion should be set up over a 7 day know...jumping jacks on the first day...squats on the second (to give you time to recoup in between each thing) scratch that...let's put jumping jacks on the last day...maybe after six days of other crap, a person could have built up a little more umph to complete the jumping jacks...

In the end, Maya told me I needed to work on my cardio...she said she was surprised that I was even able to walk from the couch to the kitchen without getting winded...I'm just kidding! Who gets winded when they know they're about to be eating! Excited is more like it...

In all honesty though...after such an exhausting profile setup...I don't know how anxious I'm going to be to pop this in tomorrow or any day after that to start an actual workout regimen.

I do know one thing for sure though...I'm going to Sonic tonight.

Seriously...have you seen their new commercial? The one with the molten chocolate cakes? That's something worth getting off the couch for!

1 comment:

  1. That's so funny..I haved worked out with Maya for years and she totally kicks my butt ;)

