While I was cleaning, Ayris was in her room playing...I came in to find that she had lined all of her zoo animals up against her window screen...doesn't it just look like they're itching to get out? Especially that little bear thing that's willing to stand on a tiger...she had just given all of these animals a shower with her...then she put those little tiny rubber band things for girls hair around each of their necks...not sure what they were for? Collars...necklaces?
I just found this picture as I was taking the above pictures off the card...apparently, Ayris or Asher...not sure who was taking pictures at the time...got this shot of my belly...it looks REALLY big here...I don't feel like it's this big so hopefully it's the angle. And that blue thing tucked in my dress was my second camera card...not sure why I had it sitting there...it obviously made sense at the time =)
THIS was going to be my lunch. I kept smelling something burning but just thought that it was something outside so I didn't get up...until I remembered that I had put some eggs on to boil about an hour and half before! Yeah, this is what the pan looks like when all of the water has evaporated off AND an egg exploded when I went to move the pan off the burner. Burnt, exploded eggs smell way worse than egg salad/peeled eggs. And lucky for me, I had little egg bits all over my arms from the explosion...so I continued smelling it until shower time.
That's what a timer is for! :-) I can't say anything though. I've done the same thing!