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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Are You Getting Sick of Movement Videos?

Because I keep trying to capture the perfect one that shows how absolutely nutso this kid goes...this WOULD have been a good one had it not been so dark. I had purposefully brought up the camera last night because it's at night that he really starts going wild and at that point, I don't want to go back downstairs but I only had my side table lamp on so there's a dark shadow...none the less, you should be able to see him...also, I happened to be talking to Chris at the time and don't know how to remove audio from a video because I've never needed to in the past...I could probably learn but not in this moment =)

Sorry if any of you have kids named Marshall or know someone super cool named's just not striking that awesome chord with me right now =)

1 comment:

  1. I love it! My favorite part was, "I think I need one more snack." LOL Very cute...I'm getting kicks here and there, but nothing too crazy, yet.

