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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

You're Like A Balloon Tie-er!

Why is it that every single day I have these grand plans of what I'm going to accomplish and yet, they never happen?  Well I'll tell you what my problem was today...I got stuck reading a few new people's blogs.  I'm telling you...discovering people's blogs is the respect that you can't pull yourself away.  I was reading this one woman's blog today who has a son who is 17 months and 4 month old twins...and she had a post about being a sloth and how she was super lazy...never wanted to get up and do anything or exercise, etc, etc...and I'm sitting there like, I know, right?!  These blogs, if you find the right ones are so easy to relate to so it's easy to get pulled in.  I may not have gotten much accomplished but I did manage to take the kids out to make some water balloons and play in the pool so I think I did alright by them...their friend Malachi came over and after making about 5 water balloons for him, he says "You're like a balloon tie-er!"...yes people, that's about as far as my title goes these days...I tie water balloons and that's what I'm good at =) 

Anyway, on to some recent pictures...

So you're pretty much a rockstar if you can get a picture of this guy without him blinking in it, so I figured we should post this piece of glory.

Yes, this is Asher in his underwear...Chris isn't the type of fella to let his boy run around outside in his underwear but I just don't think it's a big deal and so when I was flippin through one of my US magazines the other day, what do I see? None other than Gwen Stafani's oldest son Kingston rockin out in his underwear at the for the second picture, doesn't it look like a drunk person paved the road? It's all "follow the yellow brick road"...but not.

Pretty sure these pictures alone would bestill Chris' very own beating, if Ayris were to play the guitar, Chris would be in heaven...

So, the awesome mom that I am decided to go to Toys R Us last week because they were having a BOGO sale on all things crayola. I found what I thought would be a super cool new product...they're called window crayons. At first, I thought, good, this is keeping Ayris' attention...then I realized they were drawing on each other's faces...I still was like whatever because it was giving me the time I needed to clean the kitchen. By the time I was done, they had it in their hair, all over their faces, on their clothes and the most super coolest part of all was that it was ALL OVER MY CARPET. WTH? How old are you? So the next 45 minutes was spent getting out the shampooer and cleaning the carpets and then throwing the kids into their second bath of the day.



Oh look at how my baby bird is growing! I had Ayris take the picture on the right to try and show how he is working on his chunk legs...


Here are more attempts to show you Adler's growth...the first pic looks like he's getting frisked...

The poor little guy seems to be teething a little ahead of the game (at least when compared to my past children) so he spends most of his days doing this when he's not sleeping (Sophie the giraffe is in the mail as we speak!)...

This for sure would win me some mother of the year awards...these would be donuts...WITH sprinkles...I know right? Even I wouldn't go this far...but that's what the kids wanted and I don't make donuts often so I was like whatever...let's live this life for one day. However, our McDonald's order today was just as impressive "Hi, yeah, can I get a mocha frappe (me), an orange pop (Ayris) and a hot fudge sundae (Asher)??" I think if Adler had been old enough to join in he would have asked for a cherry pie...he seems like that kind of guy...he's my old soul...I can totally see him sitting in a dinner eating cherry pie when he's a grandpa...but yeah, we should all just be called Sugar Collins...except for Chris...he totally does not fit in when it comes to that.

Why so serious??


Adler: I am the mob boss and these are my minions...




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