Ayris just got a big girl bike a couple of weeks ago so this is her first time trying it out while Asher rides on her old trike (Asher has a spiderman bike waiting in the wings himself...he just doesn't know it yet...until his birthday)
Ayris being her Ramona Quimby self and it FINALLY happening...Adler fell asleep in the jumper!
Another one of those shots where one boy is in focus and the other isn't and then the reverse of the initial picture...
Don't they just look like they're ready to start a family?? =) This is Susie and boy don't I wish she lived in MN...like right next door. Seriously. The girl must've held Adler for half of the day and didn't even give him up when he got fussy...she was a pro...
And, she even got him smiling...
Adler has just recently gotten into watching t.v. Anytime it's on, he'll turn his head towards it and watch it...AND, I finally got the Bebe Pod so Adler can start sitting up on his own...he's never been a fan of laying on his back...he'd rather be in the know...we had a Bumbo with Ayris and ended up taking it back because her legs were so chubby that she would get stuck in it...I read online that the Bebe pod worked better for kids with chubby legs...even though Adler isn't super chubby yet...we're only in month three =)
And this picture is for my friend T...she kept calling me a Cullen because of the perfection that is my chalk white skin...well, I just wanted her to know that we are raising baby Cullen's here in the Collins household as proven by this picture of Adler's legs that Ayris took...
That's all the pictures I have for now. I wish I'd taken a picture of my friend Michelle's super cute baby Charlie...I was convinced that Adler was growing at a slow pace because he still seemed like such a little tiny baby to me...yeah, he's totally not...compared to Charlie, he's like a super ginormo chunk-a-monk!
I can't believe how big they are, Ayris is quite the beutiful girl and the pics of the boys - ADORABLE!!!