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Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I know...I'm lame...I have about a bajillion pictures to sort through and edit before I can even start to think about posting them on the blog...and I went on a vacation, and then I went on another vacation...scratch children came with so the second one was NOT a vacation but it was fun...none the less, those two trips added to my already ridiculous lack of time to work on this blog that, no doubt millions of people read...(actually, even if no one read it, I still LOVE having this blog because I have absolute faith in the fact that what happens today will have been forgotten in about 2.5 days time, given the ridiculous condition of my prefrontal cortex since having babies...Ok...quick interjection (is this a word?  It sounds weird), this just made me laugh out I google, "what part of the brain stores long term memory and short term memory", because OBVIOUSLY if I can't remember what I did 2.5 days ago, remembering particular pieces information that I learned 10+ years ago is probably not going to be anything I could rely on with certainty...anyway, so I land on an article that tells me this:  "Unless an individual pays attention for about eight uninterrupted seconds to encode the stimulus into short-term memory, it will be lost"...when I've said I'm getting dumber by the kid, I was right...when in the world do I have 8 uninterrupted seconds during the day now having three children?   I'm making it sound as though I am with my children 24/7 (I pretty much am) and that they are by my side 24/7 (at least one of them usually always is) and that in turn means that I am paying attention to at least one of them every 8 seconds...THIS would not be true...I for sure do not pay attention to them every 8 seconds but does that mean that one of them is not talking every 8 seconds?  NO...that just means that I tend to tune them out more often than not =)  So seriously, even when I'm writing on the blog and trying hard to pretend I don't hear Ayris screaming at Asher to get his penis off her face (true story...she's yelling this one day and I run upstairs...okay, I finish what I'm doing and 5 minutes later, I decide to go upstairs...turns out, they were wrestle fighting and Asher was naked (because he usually ends up naked after a few trips to the bathroom during the day...we lose at least an article or two of clothing each trip) and when Asher pinned her down, his man parts just happened to touch her cheek...she was obviously grossed out), and letting Adler cry for just 30 more seconds while I complete a sentence, I do consider that to be interrupted it's no wonder I can't remember squat...I have constant NOISE in general about 14 hours of every single day.  It's a good thing Long Term memory works in a completely different way, or my kids would be teaching me how to eat and tie my shoes...EVERY SINGLE DAY...I say every single day because remember, I have no short term memory either...that could actually be pretty awesome.)

How's that for the world's longest thought using the most amount of ( and )'s in a paragraph.  Anyway, I've spent the past 2 hours reading other people's blogs instead of working on my own...and now I'm tired and ready for bed...*hopefully* some day soon I will post some pictures of my oh-so-gorgeous children all the while coming up with something way more interesting to write about (although that part about short term memory was pretty informational huh?  And interesting...)...BUT, I've noticed on some of the other blogs I read, that they have people ask them questions about their blog, their life, their kids, their views/opinions, etc and THAT sounds like fun so if all 5 of you reading this were to ask a question, I might actually have something to write about once in a while =)  Anyway, it's time to stop neglecting the kids...and by that, I mean, it's time to put them to bed...I kid, I kid...sorta...I'll spend a good 30 minutes laying with them until they fall asleep because I'm such a sucker that I can't just put them to bed awake...even though that's what I'd really like to do tonight...and every night that follows =(  Actually, I take that back...laying with them at night right before they fall asleep is usually my favorite part of the day =)

One last thing...Asher just shoves a gobstopper in my mouth just now and says "Mommy, it's yummy"...I think what he MEANT to say was "Mommy, it WAS yummy...before I held it in my hand for 30 minutes, therefore removing the tasty coating and replacing it with a sweaty-hand-induced ball of salt", but it's the thought that counts right?!?

1 comment:

  1. You went on vacation? Twice? Do tell. I think it's very kind and sweet that you lay with your children until they fall asleep.

    I'm glad you blog!

