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Sunday, March 22, 2009

"NO" is a new favorite in our house...

Ayris has decided that not only is she more intelligent than possibly everyone on the planet but she's also quite adept to decline any type of instruction.

Ayris, put on your clothes = NO!
Ayris, quit playing with your food = NO!
Ayris, it's time for bed = NO!

Tonight was no different...she didn't want to turn off her show, she didn't want to go to bed but I finally bribed her by saying I'd tell her a really awesome bedtime story...and I did. I'm not creative like Chris but I went all out tonight. In fact, my story was so good that she requested a repeat performance.

"Um, no thanks, mommy is's time to turn over and go to bed"
"Okay, I'll tell you another story but it's not going to be the same one I just told you"
(Ayris gets all excited that she's won this battle...)

"Once upon a time there was a little girl named Ayris. She liked to tell her mommy "NO" a lot and her mommy didn't like that. Her mommy decided that Ayris was going to start getting time outs if she continued telling her "NO" and if the time outs didn't work, then she might have to restort to spankings. Ayris was a smart girl so she never did end up getting any spankings, just a few timeouts. THE END."

At which point, my daughter exclaims:

"I sure am going to like saying YES from now on!"

SERIOUSLY, could she BE any smarter? =)

Who am I kidding...I should be asking if I could BE any this time tomorrow she will have told me NO about 25 times I'm sure of it.

In addition to this post, I have to give credit to all the children out there...I think it must be awfully difficult to be a little kid trying to grow up in the world, all to have someone who is bigger than you trying to tell you how to live your life. Put on your shoes, go eat your breakfast, don't run out into the road and take my hand while we walk across the street...that MOM SONG that was so popular...all it is is about a million different instructions that mothers dole out on a daily basis for the love of their child. And it's hard work doing that day in and day out, 24/7...but just as it's tiring to be the one giving the orders, I'm sure it's just as tiring to be the one on the receiving end. There are some days, when it's negative 24 outside and I pull into the driveway looking at the trashcan that needs to be rolled in...and I sit there thinking about how wonderful it would be if I could be the one back in that carseat and my mother was the one that was going to be freezing while she lugged the trashcan in. At this point though, Ayris doesn't realize the responsibilities of being an adult so probably the worst that could happen to her at this point is being told everyday, all day long, what she should be doing...and that to me, sounds pretty difficult in's all relative no matter what age we from time to time, I might have to give in and let her win...

Especially when at other times, she's like this:


  1. That is sooo sweet Michelle!

  2. You really have the cutest kids. Thanks for checking out my blog. I had to crop the header picture and make it longer horizontally and shorter vertically. then I did check the shrink to fit box when uploading it. I still can't get it right it is kinda hard to do. I am sure someone else knows better than me! Do you have a photoshop program? It can be cropped in there fairly easy.

