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Friday, March 20, 2009

Maybe it's not quite time to start potty training...

So...I ordered a Peter looks like this:

It's supposed to shave off like a million months when training a boy so I figured it was a good investment.

HOWEVER, my son thinks that it's something you go "poo poo" in...granted, in his mind, poop and pee are two in the same but, if he were to use it like he thinks he should, it doesn't matter how many months it shaves off potty training, because not only are other men going to look at him weird when he uses urinals but it's also going to create more work for whoever has to clean up the pee, and in this house, that would be me =)

I'm going to post a video that I'm sure Chris would object to but I think it's cute...

As I was waiting to upload the video above, Asher found a new way to use his toilet...

I can tell this toilet is going to get a lot of might not be the use it was intended for, but use none the less.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAH!!! HE is sooo cute! And this is HILARIOUS! Have fun with all of that!

