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Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Mommy/Wife/Friend/Overall Person in General Overhaul...

First, I should start off by saying that I just got back from a 6 day vacation to Oklahoma.  Much of the visit was great and exactly what I needed.  I felt a renewed sense of self and as though I was returning armed with more opportunity to be better as a a person altogether.

Before leaving for Oklahoma, I had been thinking of ways that I could do this...become a better version of myself.  And I thought of doing some kind of mom project...a list of sorts that I could go through, either by checkmarks or by way of repeating certain actions/beliefs each and everyday...and I was going to make regular posts on here to keep myself accountable (that in addition to having documentation for the kids once they're older that I wasn't perfect...because by the time they're old enough to care about this blog, I will have achieved perfection in their eyes right???)

I had scribbled down a few things on the plane and even during my trip as they would come into my mind:

~Pray more.  Lots more.  Depend on Him a little more instead of trying to win every battle myself.
~Learn new things about my kids everyday (which could also be read: spend more time being with them instead of doing everything else around the house...I'm just still trying to figure out how the rest gets done??)
~Get into more of a structured routine...I used to like the idea of not having anything set in motion each day and having everything lax...but I don't necessarily know that it's as beneficial to the kids as I thought it might be.  In addition to this, I'd like to get them back on a sleep schedule instead of allowing them to stay up until 10 or whenever it is that I go to bed...I'm starting to think I can't mentally handle being with the kids from 6:30 in the morning until 10 or so at night without having naps or scheduled bedtimes.  I want them in bed by 8 so I can have two hours for myself, which I won't feel guilty about because of the previously set goal...which was to spend more time with them during the day instead of doing things that I need/want to get done)
~Eat in more, and out less (Basically, quit wasting money on eating out so that when I want to drop $200 at Pottery Barn on blue and white striped cushions, I don't have to feel as guilty as I normally would about it. =)

~Clean something everyday (I feel like I'm cleaning 24/7 but it's always just maintaining the house, I want to do something that makes me feel as though I've accomplished something each I went through all of the mail and packages that were left in the week that I was gone so the table could be completely free of addition to my regular schedule of picking up the house...tomorrow I'm cleaning out my closet and I have a feeling I'm going to be donating like crazy...I only wear like 3 different pants and 10 different shirts so why do I have 1200 other things?  Oh yeah, cuz I'm going to lose weight at some point and fit back into them...I'm over that).
~Do something exciting/fun with the kids everyday
~Send more cards...that are actually handwritten, because I think it's just as rewarding, if not more so, to give versus in doing that, I'll be putting into myself as well.
~See more of the good and less of the bad (I focus a lot of everything that they are doing wrong instead of all the good that they are accomplishing in their young lives...and I might as well extend that to Chris and myself as well...I need to focus on the positives in all of us).
~Find things that I'm thankful for (this one isn't hard but I'd like to start this up with the kids as well)
~Start doing things that I'm either uninterested in but know is good for me (exercise), or that I'm too lazy to do (sewing), or that I don't want to do (eat right)...basically, just start doing things little by little that I'm not too interested in doing and hope that in the end, it will become a positive.
~Have more ALOT more.
~No more yelling.  Ever.

So that was the beginning of my list.  I wasn't finished but today the main goal was going to be to focus on the kids and not to lose my patience...therefore resulting in yelling.  The day went pretty well.  Ayris and I had a really good talk that was preceded the night before, with this exchange: 

Me:  "Ayris, I want things to change around here for the better. Starting tomorrow I want you and I to work
harder on really listening to one there's less frustration on both of our parts and we can start
having better days"

Ayris:  "Okay mom, but what's in it for me?"
Little stinker!
So today I was going to run some errands after Adler's nap.  Asher ALWAYS wants candy when we go to any store...I had told both of the kids that they could both pick out one thing as long as they could behave and get along with one another.  Not two minutes pass and I walk out to the garage with Asher screaming at the top of his lungs because Ayris is pinching his cheek.  I ask her why she was doing it and she says she was mad...mad about what, she didn't know.  So I tell her that she will not be getting any candy.  Then I proceed to ask her why she thinks that is...she didn't there begins our long conversation about listening to me and how when she's upset or angry, she needs to find another way to deal with it (aside from her usual tactics of hitting or pinching or screaming at the top of her lungs)...I suggested that when she feels herself getting upset, she let that person know how she's feeling before she goes off and hits them...and that I would try to do the same thing (I don't EVER hit them...but I told her I would take my own advice and before yelling, I would calmly tell them what I was upset about), I told her that people respond to kindness better than anything else so she could more than likely resolve whatever the issue was if she just tried that approach...she then told me that she didn't know how to be any other way but mean.  I pointed out the 3 nice things she had already done today and then suggested that if she still felt like she didn't have a handle on "doing mean things" she could talk to God about it...and she was very interested in that idea so we went through all of the ways that she could do that...and lastly, that she could just take some time for herself in her room to calm down if she felt like she needed the break.  I also told her about how I was in the same spot in the family (first born female) and that I actually thought she had it harder than I did growing up because my sibling didn't come for almost 7 years after I was I brought recognition to the fact that I know it's difficult to be yeah, I left that conversation feeling good about myself because often times, I don't take the time to have these in depth conversations...bad mom, I know...I'm trying to change!  So she's good, I'm good, she's even okay with the idea that she's not getting candy at the store.
Fast forward like 3 hours later...Adler is cranky because he has refused to take a second nap...and the kids start nit-picking at each other...I calmly remind them of our previous discussion about treating each other with respect...and that they need to focus on loving each other more instead of constantly fighting about one thing or another.  5 minutes after that little reminder, Asher is flailing his body around on the floor and Ayris is screaming...and finally, I just join in and start yelling.  And welcome home old Michelle lasted for less than 24 hours.  At which point, I grab Adler and head upstairs to start crying...for a good long while...because I've let myself down and I've gone and yelled at the kids...which was the ONE thing I didn't want to do today.  And I cried and I cried and I cried...until I felt stupid enough about it...then I stopped.  I then I cried some more when Chris called and told me I was a good mom...actually a great mom and a good wife...which then made me laugh because I was just "good" at being a wife...which is totally not how he meant it...but it's so true...I focus more of myself on the kids than I ever have on him (except for when it was just he and I)...I just see him as an adult who can fend for himself and who is also WAY BETTER BEHAVED...not to mention, he pretty much listens to everything I say and does everything I want.  Thank GOD for's nice to know I have at least one person under my control.  (I kid, I kid =)  But seriously, he's a good boy.
So that was my day...I ended it feeling as though I'm either going to be yelling my entire life or crying...I'm not sure which is better...I think the crying part is probably better for the kids...maybe it's better for me too...It's just not a usual emotion for me...perhaps I'll just blame it on the pregnancy.  Ultimately, this wasn't even the worst day I've ever had...not even close...I just think I had this ideal scenario in my head that if I did my part (spent more time focusing on them, didn't yell, had result driven conversations, treated them with respect while loving them in a way that they felt it day in and day out) everything else would just fall into place...I didn't factor in that their behaviors as children were probably going to take more than a day to adjust. 
But I think what made the day SO overly emotional for me was that I came back from my trip feeling new, inspired and ready to take on any and all challenges that were thrown my way...even Chris commented about the difference he saw in me...and in less than 24 hours, I felt like I was already back to the person I was trying to leave behind last week.
Someone really near and dear recently said: "The soul that seeks perfection in this imperfect world will never be at peace."  And honestly, most days, I don't feel as though I'll ever be at peace...I do seek perfection and I'm pretty sure I came straight out of my mother with high expectations for myself and everyone else in the world already in place...but according to Emerson "The years teach much, which the days never knew" so I will try to keep in mind that I am only 30 (ONLY...that feels forever old), and I still have a lot to learn...I can't expect change in a day...I would like it, but apparently shouldn't expect tomorrow when the sun rises, I shall try again.  And then again, and then again and then again...because knowing my children, it might just take 40 days and 40 nights.  Maybe even longer...but I'll keep trying, because I'm a mom, and we never give up on our children.

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