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Monday, February 28, 2011

Too Bad Chris Isn't A Seahorse...

Okay, so I'm just stopping in real quick because 1) Chris' aunt Tammy is just itching for us to announce this =) and 2) Chris is about to post it on his blog.  I was going to come up with some clever way of announcing it like this:

...but if you're my mom, it would have been completely lost on you altogether =) 

Another thing I started doing once I found out about 5 weeks ago was by putting random titles to my blog posts that didn't mean much unless someone clever was paying attention...these were the captions I had used so far:

A Week After Asher's Birthday This Year...
Something Miraculous...
Is Headed Our Way...

Unfortunately, my lazy butt hadn't gotten any further than that because 1) I've had far too many migraines to even be on the computer much and 2) I am so completely exhausted and out of it that I'm surprised I'm functioning as a mother taking care of the three children I currently have.  As you'll see on Chris' blog...I plum forgot to take Ayris to school this past Friday.  Had Chris not asked about her school, I don't think it EVER would have fazed/phased (sorry, too lazy to look this up) me in the least.  I absolutely feel like I don't know what's going on half of the time.  All I want to do is go crawl into bed...literally about 30 minutes after I get up in the morning.  I'm not sleeping well and must get up about 4 times a night just tossing and turning.  Half the time, I'm pretty sure I'm not listening to what people are saying when they're talking...Ayris just gets mad after the 4th time of my saying "huh?" and finally just yells "nevermind!"  Pretty sure I was never this tired with any of the previous pregnancies.  HAD I gotten my act together, these were going to be the remaining blog titles:

A Joint Effort...
Between Myself and God...
Come October...
It'll Be Another Little One's Birth Day!

But unfortunately, I just don't have the oomph right now to even make an effort with the blog...blame it on the baby, he/she is literally sucking the life out of me right now...AND according to babycenter, it's also taking the majority of the blood that used to be distributed to my brain and has redirected it to the placenta...who knew?  Seriously, I'm still learning different tidbits, even on my 4th. 

Luckily, Chris has been pulling overtime with the kids and has even allowed me two days of staying in bed with my debilitating migraines, which totally blow.  Seriously, I wish Chris was a seahorse for just the next few weeks so he could carry this baby...I could continue taking my migraine drugs and not feel so exhausted...and once we hit that second trimester when all of the great stuff started happening, I would GLADLY take this beautiful baby back.  No such luck though.  I'm not complaining though...I don't think...I'm just stating things as they are.

With all of that said, at some point...probably not anytime soon, I will post some pictures.  I actually have to take some first.  I don't think I've taken but maybe a handful of pictures in February...that's how lame and absolutely lazy I am right now.  I spent a whopping 53 bucks on matching Valentine's Day outfits for the kids and 1) never went to church so they could all wear them and 2) never took pictures of them together in that is on the to do list...before Adler grows out of that 12 month shirt...ugh! 

Chris is having his hip replaced on March 9th though so if I don't get another post done before then, it'll probably be weeks after before I'm on again...we'll be having some family bonding time for a few weeks while he's at home thoughts and prayers his way come next Wednesday!

Alright, time to add a little baby ticker to the blog and we're done for the night!


  1. For the record, Adler's shirt says "Big Brother". I assure you there is an "R" in there.

  2. Congratulations!! I hope you start feeling better soon! least for awhile, until the third trimester sneaks up on you! ;)

  3. OMG! I totally new something was up with those post titles and I kept thinking you were going to announce, but no! Now it makes sense-good one and congrats! Hope you are feeling good!

  4. Congratulations to the family! Do you know if it's a girl or boy yet, and, if so, are you and Tammy already trying out names? I hope you feel better soon! It makes me wonder how our mom did it.... Good luck Chris with the surgery! Hopefully it will result in much pain relief for you...

