So I've been tired and lazy and full of headaches and a cold to top off all of that wonderfulness, which is why I have been neglecting this space...I don't have any pictures...literally, I don't even think I've picked up my camera the past 3 weeks...BUT I was just thinking tonight as I was rocking Adler that it's about that time to do my 25 things for the kids again...although I'm wondering if I can make it to 25 for each kid...I think the more kids I have, the less space I have in my head to come up with 25 current happenings for them...we will see...we'll start with the oldest...(Turns out I'm stopping at 17...I'm sure I could have come up with more but this is going on three days now so...)
17 Things About Ayris...
1. She is currently contemplating marrying a boy named Reed at her school...last year she was going to marry a boy named Jarod...or Leif. But now she's moved on to Reed...honestly, I don't think I even thought about marriage until I met Chris...and I was 24 I think she's starting a little young.
2. She likes to watch Futurama with her dad.
3. Her memory continues to be like a steel trap. Asher had his kindergarten testing this year and she was asking him if they still had such and such glasses and if they made him do such and such test when it's been almost 2 years since she was tested herself...
4. Has a best friend named Tessa, who she wants to live with. She also wants to live with Grandma Molly. I personally wish she could go live with one of them for a week or two so she'd realize that everyone's house becomes boring if you stay there long enough.
5. Is less interested in watching TV these days and is more interested in playing pretend.
6. Is starting to talk more about God these days which makes me happy.
7. In addition to the above, she also says a better prayer over dinner than Chris or I do...Chris and I like to recite the prayers we used when growing up (Me: God is Great, God is Good, Let Us Thank Him For This Food...Chris: Come Lord Jesus, Be Our Guest, And Let These Gifts To Us Be Blessed)...Ayris usually trails on about how much she loves her family and extended family and maybe throws in a couple of things that she's thankful for.
8. Is way into playing doctor. Pretty sure she'd play it all day if she could.
9. She can't wait to ride a bus in the fall.
10. If she had her way, she'd probably take 2 baths a day, everyday...and it wouldn't be a good bath if it didn't end with water all over the floor.
11. She's not a big fan of breakfast in the morning...sometimes she'll wait until lunch time to eat and then the rest of her meals are messed up for the day...she thinks dinner is lunch and then is asking for dinner by about 8 or 9 at night.
12. She is obsessed with Taylor Swifts' song "Mean"
13. She has also recently taken a liking to John Mayer's "Half of my Heart" but she calls it "Half of my Arm"...which is a far more intriguing title.
14. She continues to terrorize the cats on a daily basis, while at the same time counting down the days until she can have a dog...which she has been told she will never have if she doesn't learn to be nice to the cats.
15. She is becoming quite the artist with her big headed, little bodied stick people.
16. Her hair is borderline light brown now...gone is the blonde of yesteryear =(
17. She's about to start kindergarten in the fall...gone is my baby girl as well....double sad face =( =(
17 Things About Asher...
1. He still runs around with his favorite pink white bear but we have lost him a time or two as of late and he hasn't freaked out the few days he's been I don't think the attachment is quite what it used to baby is growing up =(
2. He is still wearing diapers at night...he doesn't always wake up wet but on those 2 out of 7 days, I still don't feel like cleaning the sheets...cuz I'm lazy like I'd rather spend money on diapers...
3. He has this saying lately that just makes me smile...every time we leave the that some of the snow has melted he says: "Look Mom, the grass is waking up!!"
4. He just recently learned how to put his underwear on...even though he's been trained almost a year and half now??? I never taught him how to put his underwear on...I was just always doing it for him...anyway, Chris said it was time for him to learn...but like everything with Asher, sometimes he's into it and sometimes he's not.
5. Like I was saying about being into it on his own terms...he likes to say his prayers but only some nights. I don't push it because I don't want him to feel forced...and sometimes he'll say, mom, not tonight but we'll do it tomorrow morning...and then he usually wants to pray when we eat...but he thinks that means praying his bedtime prayer over the food.
6. Ash is still my little lover boy. He comes up multiple times a day to tell me how much he loves me...and usually while doing so, he'll rub the top of my head.
7. Although he is still into Spiderman and Batman, Mario and Luigi, along with Donkey Kong have taken over his interests as of late.
8. He just attended Grandma Callie's school twice for some kind of student learning project, and loved going each time...which has reduced a lot of the stress I had associated with him starting preschool in the fall.
9. Asher has a wild imagination and is always bringing us fake cookies to eat or recently has been saying that there is a spot on his face that was stung by a bee (in the winter mind you)...he is truly involved in the telling of his stories.
10. He is still over emotional about a lot of things. It's not uncommon for him to break out crying about something random...that may not even been happening right then.
11. He very rarely wants milk anymore...his drink of choice is water.
12. He can't say the word Really...he says Larry instead. I Larry Love my bear!
13. His favorite foods are still hot dogs and chicken nuggets...with ranch and french fries.
14. At three he apparently already thinks money grows on trees just like I did when I was little...he keeps requesting that I go out and buy him different video games...I keep asking him where his money is...looks like it's time for little man to get a job.
15. Likes feeding way too many cat treats to the cats (like the whole pack at one sitting).
16. Always wants cotton candy out of the dollar section when we go to Target but only ever eats like one bite.
17. Favorite song continues to be "You Spin Me Right Round" AND "Dancing with Myself"
17 Things About Adler...
1. This kid is happy all of the time. I can count on one hand the number of times he's woken up on the wrong side of the bed...and it's usually been when he's sick...but I'll tell you what...he's all the way with whatever mood he's in...he's either REALLY cranky (hardly ever) or he's REALLY happy. He's my little extremist.
2. He still needs his bottle to fall asleep...
3. At night when he's being rocked and fed, right before he's about to fall asleep, he starts playing with his hair...running his fingers through it and pulling on it.
4. Speaking of hair, this kid was born with the's natural oomph and poofiness each day never fails to put a smile on my face.
5. He is our only child so far that already has green eyes. Chris has hazel eyes and I have green. Ayris and Asher have blue. My eye color changed until I was probably 6 or 7 from blue to green to gray dependent upon what I was I still have faith that Ayris and Asher's will change...but Adler...he already has them!
6. Adler is also our smallest child. At least he seems like it. He's tall like his siblings but thinner than they were at his age.
7. He's a mover. He's not content to just sit still like Ayris and Asher were...he wants to be on the move at all times.
8. He is obsessed with the cat food dish. I always close off the kitchen gate because he makes a beeline for the cat dish and I don't want him messing with it...well he's just getting over a double ear infection so he was super cranky one night when I decided I'd just put the cat bowl up on the table so he could be in the same room with me while I was cooking...well the dumb cats wouldn't shut up meowing for dinner so I put their wet cat food in the bowl and pushed it way back under the table...Adler apparently has super silent ninja like skills because in the 2 minutes I had my back to him, he'd managed to get it out from under the table and was chowing down on it readily.
9. He's now pulling up on everything...and just like he gravitates towards the cat dish, he always crawls over to this side table that he has, no doubt, hit his head on like 10 times already...but he never learns and just keeps going back for more!
10. When he gets really excited, he screams really loud. Like super loud. So loud it's annoying to me. I'm sure all of you would think it's cute...but seriously, it hurts my I try to keep a limit on his happiness during the day. I kid, I kid. But seriously, the smile is cute, the shrill shrieking death noise is not.
11. Adler already knows how to drink from sippy cups. Ayris and Asher were nowhere near wanting sippy cups at his he might actually be the first kid to go off the bottle at a decent age.
12. Adler has always been the best medicine taker we've had. Ayris and Asher always threw up whatever I had just given them...worrying me that I needed to give them more each time...Adler was my rockstar at taking medicine until about a week anything that I try to put in gets spit right back out...he doesn't even bother with throwing it up...he's just not going to let it go down in the first place. Seriously, doctors need to come up with ear infection suppositories...I'm all for the butt route.
13. Adler still wakes up 2-4 times on a good night. He's never up for long...usually just a few minutes with the bottle is all he needs before going back down.
14. Unfortunately, Adler has been waking up around 5 thinking it's time to get up...and I keep thinking about something the pastor said at an Alpha class a few weeks back...about how he wasn't a morning person but that Jesus was a morning person...usually getting up before the dawn...and I just think to myself...if this kid is waking up on Jesus time, can't Jesus entertain him for a few hours so the rest of us non-morning people can get some sleep?
15. Even though Adler still only has 2 teeth, he's a pro at eating french fries, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, goldfish, hamburger pieces, celery, peaches, etc...all cut up of course...except the french fries...I usually give him a full one and he just noshes on it until it has a mashed potato like consistency.
16. He loves baths and showers...and he loves to be sprayed in the mouth with the showerhead. He's also the only kid that has been a great sport about getting water dumped over his head to wash out doesn't seem to bother him.
17. He knows how to clap on his own and he gets really excited when you play patty cake with him.
I have matching Valentine's Day outfits that I have yet to put on the children and snap pictures of...sometime's unknown whether I'm using Chris' version of "soon" (which could mean forever) or my version of "soon" (which would mean sometime this week).
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