Result NotesNotes Recorded by Jane Oneil on 3/3/2010 at 12:24 PM
Passed with flying colors!!!
Component ResultsComponent Your Value Standard Range Units
Glu, Fasting, 100g 72 60 - 94 mg/dL
Glu, 1 hour, 100g 126 60 - 179 mg/dL
Glu, 2 hour, 100g 111 60 - 154 mg/dL
Glu, 3 hour, 100g 109 60 - 139 mg/dL
So, I'm not sure why I was so close with my one hour when all of these results aren't even close to the highest value (my numbers are the 72, 126, 111, and 109 and then the normal ranges are listed thereafter) but who cares...all that matters is that I don't have gestational diabetes. I'm pretty sure the lab tech was judging my ability as a mother to carry this child with caution because when she saw how elated I was that I passed and then informed me to just wait until I got the doctors results before I went out and loaded up on a carb heavy lunch, to which my response was "Yeah right, even if I didn't pass, you can bet I'd be binging for the next week before getting my diet on track!"...she looked annoyed...then said on my way out "Well, I'd tell you to keep up the good work...but I guess I really can't!" Whatever woman, is all I have to other two children survived in utero on my diet loaded with carbs and they turned out perfect right?
I am measuring 2 weeks bigger (I'm measuring at 30 weeks) but that doesn't worry me. With Ayris, one appointment I measured 3 weeks too small and then the next appointment I measured 3 weeks too large...and I measured large with Asher that I know I don't have GD, I'll just chalk it up to this little mans' big old I'm sure he'll be poppin out with his own 14 inch head like the other two. My doctor did inform me that I'd have another ultrasound at 36 weeks to check growth which excites me...because more than likely he will appear big because of his head and then we'll get to induce at 39 weeks again if I would like. I had told myself I'd let myself go naturally this pregnancy...but the further I get and the more my butt and crotch muscles decide they're not up to doing their job, the more I'm inclined to want him out. ALTHOUGH, on last night's trip to the bathroom, I was kind of bummed at the idea that SOON I will be getting up even more than I am now with my many bathroom breaks...but at least when I'm getting up at that point, I'll have something adorable staring back at me--Can't Wait!
I figured I'd go ahead and throw up some pictures of my new b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l. car and the wall project that is in the works. The car has a ridiculous amount of features...if anyone calls me on my cell phone while we're in the car, the car actually picks up the call and I just talk out loud in the's a little weird but maybe safer? It also has 36 options for presetting radio stations...which I will never use that many but I got a free 3 month subscription to XM radio and I have preset 12 stations already. The display in the car lets you know what percentage you have to go before needing an oil tells you the exact pressure in the tires, how much gas you have left, etc, etc...a bunch of other crazy stuff I will not be using. We opted for the captains' chairs in the second row so the kids would have space to walk through to get to the third row. The trunk opens and closes on it's has an automatic starter...a camera/video display to use for when backing up...also some beeping noise if you get to close to anything when backing up. I also have a full free year of Onstar...along with a bunch of other things I'm sure. I just appreciate the smooth ride and the quiet that goes along with it. The kids are actually so far back in the car now (they are in the last row...they picked their seats) that I can barely hear them when they are talking to me...versus all the times I was easily cranking from all the noise they were generating when they were directly behind me in the Altima. Anyway, I love my car. I got a little crazy with the pictures...
L . O . V . E Your new ride! It is like my dream vehicle - LOL