Okay, so I have to admit, I'm a RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME homemaker...my house is kept in tip top shape 24/7. I mean, look at how clean my kitchen is:
I mean, stellar at the very least, right? (Anyone else noticing that the microwave looks a little more beige-y than the actual oven? I think they are supposed to be the same color? Maybe they are and it's just the lighting...I'm too lazy to get up and look right now)...anyway, onto my awesomeness as a *clean* and tidy person...
As I was slaving over Asher's super healthy lunch hotdog cooking in the microwave, I happened to look up and notice this:
Gross. That is definitely not something I had noticed before. One would have thought with the forced upon ENTIRE cleaning of my kitchen that Asher bestowed upon me here: http://comingupcollins.blogspot.com/2009/12/imperfection-with-little-manipulation.html that there would be no such thing as dust/cobwebs...whatever you would call that. I mean, that incident was just in December.
Something I AM aware of that is nasty and staying that way is this:

There isn't an arm in the world strong enough to scour that stuff off. Chris can come pretty close but who are we kidding?? Chris has more important things to do...AS DO I, as you might can tell from the next few pictures...which, mind you, I had to get down on my hands and knees...actually, it was more like my chest because I had to hoist my butt up real high in the air as to get my ginormo stomach out of the way in order to get a picture...

I assure you that this is something the broom cannot reach on it's own...which is why that *stuff* still resides there and forever will I'm assuming...because people...every 3 months or so, I do pull out the broom (or at least twice a year because that's when we have the kids parties...I jokingly told Chris one day that we NEEDED to have lots of babies because I could guarantee that his bathroom would be cleaned at every birthday party...I feel comfortable posting that that's about as often as that bathroom is cleaned because there are obvious things I'm slacking on too! All of these pictures I'm showing you have been accumulating like this for almost 4 years now because unless you are my GRANDMA, I don't know anyone else who actually moves refrigerators and washes walls (what person in their right mind washes there walls? It's called painting...you get a roller and some paint and BAM it's all new again...of course, there's the cursing that comes along with the super cool collected stuff in the corners that then stick onto your new paint...but whatever...) my point is that my grandma might just be the last person on earth to do such horrendous cleaning...Spring cleaning, I think she calls it...I think there's another season that gives her a reason to full on clean too?...Winter cleaning? Summer cleaning? Fall cleaning??? Anyway, on to further proof that I am a miraculous homemaker:

What even is that? Like liquid that dried on the bottom of the cabinet? It's not like I sit on the kitchen floor and drink liquids or spew them at the cabinets??? It's obvious I don't hang out on the floor as this is the first time I've even noticed this!

This is under the fridge...it looks pretty much like under the oven...obviously the broom can't reach there either...and I must point out that I just swept and mopped yesterday (I cleaned for a good 4 hours while Chris was at band practice!)

This picture is just funny to me because when I was taking it, you couldn't even see whatever that green clip thing is...the flash from the camera must've brightened this spot right up.

OK, this picture...really? Who out there doesn't have a toaster that looks like this? Although, I must admit, it's pretty amazing how many crumbs can end up on TOP of the toaster versus inside of it (although I assure you there are plenty on the inside too.)

This is by far the nastiest...that is the inside of our oven. What's funny about this is that, I put the food in the oven and each time I get it out, the food, surprisingly, is still contained in its dish/pan/whatever...so how is it, that all of this crap is on the door? You'd think I was actually bypassing the food container and just lying the food right on the oven door itself to cook. In my defense, I did decide to do the self cleaning thing a few months back. When the house started to smell as though it was quite possibly going to explode at any given moment, I decided that it probably wasn't safe to have my pregnant self or the kids around when I did that. I later googled it and found out that most intelligent people wait to clean their ovens during that whole spring cleaning phase when they can open all the windows in the house because it's actually warm outside and not 20 below like it was here that day. None the less, we will try this again sometime later this year. It sounds a little too good to be true though if I do say so myself...you shut the door, lock it...leave it for a few hours and return to a clean oven...I wish my house would do that each time I locked up and left it. Then there'd be no need for posts like this!

This can opener...well it's just awkward to clean...so I don't do it. And this picture below...it's our couch...and it needs to be shampooed...I'm not sure why I ever wanted this color couch with kids...but I tend to enjoy buying things that will be more work for me in the long run without thinking about it...c'est la vie...

That's about all I have for my cleaning or lack thereof...I think most people would say I'm pretty clean...or maybe just neat...I pick up the house what feels like a few hundred times a day. On a somewhat weekly basis, Ayris will at some point wake up and proclaim, "Today is going to be a good day mom! Asher and I won't fight and we'll keep the house picked up!" That right there alone should speak volumes...Ayris apparently knows my priorities and what makes me happy...perfect children and a clean house =P

I put these pictures up because I think it's amazing that I can drop $130 bucks on a stupid zhu zhu pets playhouse with accessories and it be the best thing ever for like 10 seconds...but this little animal mask that I found in the dollar section has had more hours of play time...not only that...but I'm going to have to get out my handy dandy needle and thread to fix the little buggar! I will never understand the toys that can garner a child's attention for a while versus what won't. That reminds me though...Grandma Callie was just telling me that Asher told her that his airport that is kept at her house "needed batteries"...it didn't need batteries...it just doesn't do anything like all of the other toys out there that needs batteries...but this just proves that a little cloth/stuffing can be the best thing ever.

This is just a random picture of my dining room table. It makes me happy to pass it now. Our table, as of yesterday was sitting horizontally from this angle versus vertically...I had four chairs up to the table and there were two chairs on the back wall but my wonderful children fight NIGHTLY over who gets to sit next to daddy and we kept pulling up one of the spare chairs and then I had to keep moving it back each night (yes, it's weird that the chair being out of place annoyed me and it's crazy just how lazy I am that I didn't want to have to move it a whole 4 feet back to where it belonged each day)...SO, I decided to move the table like this while keeping the 5th chair added and somehow, it works much better with the whole wall and everything...see how it like lines up with the pictures on the wall and the chandelier??...it just feels so proportionate now!! However, there is the little detail about having one chair on the back wall and the other side being left empty but that will be rectified once the highchair gets put up!! So no worries there...
What else is new? I just got a beautiful behemoth SUV (Enclave) on Saturday. Thanks to Chris' bonus, we were able to get a car that should have probably been a car I could have been blessed with down the line after all the expenses of having little children were out of the way...but I'm fortunate to have gotten it now...and it's pretty amazing if I do say so myself...it was the last thing on my list that I "needed" in order to bring this little man home (the Altima would not fit three carseats and minivans...though I have sworn I will never get one, are almost as expensive as SUV's anyway!) I will post pictures of that later...because tomorrow we also have the loft wall being filled in (just to absolve my fear of having one of our four children fall from it down below to the stairs/living room) so I'll take before and after pictures of that too and will post those later...
Tomorrow will mark my 28th week of pregnancy...this little man will be over 2.5 pounds and almost 16 inches long...his eyes are partially open and he now sports lashes...also, 9 out of 10 babies survive outside of the womb at this point so yea for that! He's not been moving a lot today which is worrisome to me since he's quite the active one...that coupled with the fact that I carried Ayris to her bed and back to my bed the other night and felt that ripping sensation that I've felt while vacuuming...so I just picture my placenta separating from my abdominal wall and then him having no life support...I'm paranoid like that. I'm sure he's just busy growing and relaxing from all the parties he's been having in there lately. I've realized that he wakes up every single time I wake up to go pee at night (I've been noticing it lately because it's annoying...cuz then I lay there while he's all having a good time in there and I can't get back to sleep)...but I got to thinking, it probably frees up some space in there for him, so then he wakes up and swims a little...dances a little...plays a little...lives a little...whatever he's doing in there...but that's good, because I'm just happy he's in there and he's thriving...it makes me happy.
There are two other things making me happy lately...the SUN...it's boosting my mood like none other AND this little song...it's just so cheerful and happy...I think it's the Ukulele...Chris said he'll buy one and play it...I want him to write songs and sing them to the kids...it just seems like a fun and happy thing to do. Here's the video:
Another thing that's going to make me happy is Pizza Hut for dinner tonight...I've been doing lots of cooking lately (if you don't count my recent trips to Arby's and Ruby's Tuesdays) so I'm going to take the night off since Chris has plenty of leftovers for work this week. Not only that but tomorrow is DIET DAY! And by diet day, I mean, I'll be eating lots of grapes to clear out my system so I can put forth my best possible number for weigh in on Wednesdays doctor appointment (AND my 3 hour glucose test!)
**This was for you Tammy (Steffen)...how's that for writing about nothing...Pioneer Woman and her paycheck, here I come!
LOVE your blog... Just sayin!