Baby Collins #4 VoteWhich Name Do You Like Better?

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Caution...this video is heartbreaking...

Okay, so maybe it's just heart breaking to me but when I came across this video yesterday, I felt like I was sending my kids off to college or something...what happened to my babies!!!?!!! When Ayris got older, I still had my baby Asher...turns out, Asher is NOTHING like this little baby in the video anymore...he barely had any hair in this video (actually he has more hair in this video than he does now BUT that's just because it's all been shaved off), he wasn't talking nonstop or running around...or falling off bunk beds or hitting his sister...sob =(

You know what that's time for another baby...I'm gonna get working on that. It won't be a replacement though, and I know that...the third baby will grow up just like the fourth baby...seriously's depressing to look back on videos like this and realize that baby is gone forever...almost past the point of needing a mommy. Sob again...

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