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Friday, April 30, 2010

McGinnis Wins Drake Relays Decathalon

That was the title on the U of M Track and Field page.  And you remember how I told you that he was also number one for Big Ten this year as well?  Yeah, he's apparently got it going on right now.  Here's a picture from the UofM website just because it was way better than what I could get on my point and shoot at the relays...Although I am going to post those as well below.  In addition to RJ being busy with all this track stuff, he is also getting married on May 22nd and then will be going to Nationals (hopefully to score the #1 spot there as well!) and then in early June, he'll be heading for Houston to be a science teacher under the Teach for America program.  He had me read his application letter (he had to apply and be interviewed multiple times to be accepted) in the car coming back from Drake and it made me question when the "Smart" role reversal happened.  I used to be the one who was good in school, not him.  Not because he wasn't smart but because he didn't try for the longest time.  I was good in school and he was great in he's got both things going for him and I have babies at home that have zapped any last bit of knowledge that I used to possess.  Oh the joys of being a mother =)  I am for sure blaming it on motherhood because I never felt stupid like I do now with my lagging memory and inability to retain anything of importance these days.  But back to RJ and his awesome self...


Running the 1500...


Doesn't he look like he's prepping to be on a track and field magazine?  This hat cracked me up too...but it was a nice addition because he and two other guys looked pretty similar from far away.

Doesn't he look like a warrier here?  Like he's ready to go out and get his kill for the family waiting at home?
Typical RJ fashion...he wins first place and he's just like "whatever" looking down and stuff...
Alright, now we get a little wave...
A picture of the 4 U of M decathaletes...
Photobucket cute...

That's pretty much it for the Drake pictures...we took the below right photo at the hotel because we had the below left photo of RJ holding me when I was pregnant with Ayris...look how young we both look on the babies!  I'm sure 5 years from now I'll think we look dang young in the picture on the right...(and hopefully a little less fat myself!)
Just thought I'd throw in this picture of the sour cream that expires on RJ's wedding day...
And this picture...well, the picture on the left is a bowl of awesomeness...the last couple boxes of Lucky Charms that I've had, the last two bowls worth of cereal get turned into one bowl so I can have double the marshmallows.  And on the right...well those are the delicious Neiman Marcus cookies that I made yesterday after seeing a picture of chocolate chip cookies on someone else's many of you are going to want to make some cookies now?

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