I had my 36 week appointment today...not much to report. I was 1/2 centimeter dialated, 50% effaced and at a station -2. She checked what I was at 36 weeks with Asher and I was 0 centimeters dialated, 0% effaced and at a station -3. So, I am a smidge ahead of the game with this one and she has no doubt that I will be "favorable" for induction...meaning, I can elect to induce at 39 weeks but that I have to be so many centimeters (I think she said 2 and I was 3 centimeters with Asher by that point) so...that's good I guess. None the less, I'm excited to start tracking the progression from week to week now that we're finally at weekly appointments...Even though I don't feel "ready" with roughly 3 weeks to go, I am over the nightime interruptions...or at least their frequency...and in addition to my numerous trips to the bathroom last night, I found myself taking a bath at 3:30 a.m. because my back was KILLING me and I couldn't get back to sleep. Pretty lame when my lazy butt physically gets out of bed to run a bath...I'm hoping this doesn't mean that I'm going to have back labor though (if the pain were contractions in my back?? I don't know at this point...perhaps it was just from the 4 hours I spent yesterday cleaning the garage??).
Here is a 36 week picture. He's getting big...at least his head is getting big...I had the doctor look at the ultrasound results...his stomach, arms and legs and everything were all measuring around the 35-36 week mark and his head was measuring around 38 weeks...seriously! I don't think I'm ever going to get my small headed baby! I've been trying to decide if they get that from myself or Chris...my mom has concluded it might be me because she tried on a headband that was loose on her head that fit mine (and Ayris' by the way!)...and I did notice when I was trying on sunhats in Target before going to Iowa for RJ's meet, that they weren't even fitting my head...I find it hard to believe that almost 5 different sun hats would be too small...unless it's just my head. But maybe Chris has a big head too...I'm going to google what the average female/male adult size head is and then measure Chris and myself...then I'll get back to you!
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