Last night, I was starting to feel like I was living in a 3rd world least when it came to the bugs in our house. What in the world is up with the bugs lately. Yesterday, I saw two spiders and 3 ants. It may not sound like a lot people but it's a lot for one day...I was itching all yesterday and I'm itching now just writing about it. Asher pointed out the first spider, which was a daddy long legs on his and Ayris' bedroom door...then came the super cool HUGE hairy scary spider that just dropped down from the cabinet as I was making dinner...I couldn't much pay attention to dinner after that thing landed as I wanted to catch it under a cup and take it outside...luckily Chris got home so I was going to let him deal with it...I told him it was fast and to be ready...well the spider was so fast, Chris actually put the glass over him cutting him in then I was feeling guilty for the spider...say what you will, I know the rest of you out there are bug killers but I honestly feel bad killing I know they're more frightened of us anyway...AND who knows if they have a family...that could have been a mama spider looking for food for her babies...who knows! Anyway, then I envision a similar situation if the roles were reversed and I think it would be like a plane of glass being dropped from high above onto a human (Like in Final Destination 3) and cutting them in half...obviously it's probably not the same but still! THEN last night as I was watching Brothers and Sisters, I see something moving in the dark on my duvet cover...yeah, it was an ant...not 15 minutes later, there's an ant on my pillow...what the heck! The third ant was in Chris' bathroom which is no biggie...for whatever reason, he always has an ant or two hanging out in his bathroom...but I'd prefer not have them sleeping in bed with I came downstairs and told Chris that I didn't want the cats sleeping on the beds anymore because they must be bringing ants onto the bed with them in their fur...he thought that theory was dumb and that it's probably from all the food the kids eat in the bed and everywhere in this house that the ants are searching out the crumbs...I was like Hello! So ants are going to crawl into the window, down the wall, across the floor, up our 3 foot high bed, onto the mattress just to find some cereal crumbs? Needless to say, I went to bed around 10:30 and still hadn't fallen asleep by 11:30 because I was lying there thinking about how lucky baby Collins was right about then...aside from just getting to eat and sleep all day in a warm bath like environment, he also had the luxury of being in a bug free zone...and it kind of made me just want to get in there with least until winter. Seriously, I've been waiting for winter to end for like the past 5 years (or so it felt that long) and now that it has, I'm reminded of one of the suckiest parts of spring/summer...
In other news, I had my 36 week ultrasound yesterday...I didn't like the lady much and she didn't give me any ultrasound pictures so I don't have those...basically all she told me was that he was weighing around 6 pounds 4 ounces currently. I imagine I will find out more tomorrow from my doctor when I go in for my 36 week checkup...if she has the ultrasound charts by then.
I have pictures that I'm wanting to post from RJ's Drake Relays but am waiting on my Lightroom 2 Program to show up in the mail first but I'll leave you with a few things Ayris has said lately.
I was explaining to her that I was going to ask Grandma Callie to watch her and Asher during RJ and Andrea's wedding...she asked me why, so I told her that it would be probably a little longer than what her and Asher would want to sit around and behave which she replied: "It can't be that long...all RJ has to do is give Andrea some flowers, sing a song to her, give her a ring and then kiss her. That shouldn't take very long."
Then as we were leaving Andrea's wedding shower party on Sunday, Ayris was talking about how much she missed Andrea and then said that she would marry her if she could...but that she couldn't because she was a girl. She then went on to tell me not to tell Andrea she said that because she didn't want Andrea to get mad or be worried. I told her I figured Andrea would think it was sweet...but isn't weird how they get these ideas of what a wedding consists of...or who can marry who (we've never discussed opposite sex versus same sex marriage), and what people might think of them based on something they've said...when they are only 4?
THEN, the other morning, Ayris wakes up and the first thing out of her mouth is: "I want a stinky butt because I want dogs to be around me." I was like what?!?! It was too early for me to be completely coherent but the day before, I was telling her that she needed to take a bath because she had a stinky butt...and she said she didn't care if she had a stinky butt, to which I responded that people might not want to be around her if she had a stinky butt...only dogs would want to hang out with her. As I'm writing this, it sounds worse than it I'm telling my kid no one but a dog is going to be her friend unless she cleans her butt! But it wasn't like that...anyway, it apparently stuck with her because obviously the next morning, she decided she'd like to stick with the stinky butt...dogs are more important to her at this point than people!