Baby Collins #4 VoteWhich Name Do You Like Better?

View Results

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our Male to Female Ratio Is About To Become A Little More Unbalanced...

We are now going to be a household of 4 to 2.  As evidenced by the below photo...


Is it just me, or does this kid look like he belongs in Whoville with that upturned nose and rounded chin?  I'm renaming him Baby Who. 

Not looking quite as much like a Who in this picture...

This is his arm...or rather fist...looks like he's ready to punch someone.  He actually flipped off the ultrasound tech...I WISH she had printed a picture of that!  She spent about 10 minutes trying to get a shot of this kids nose and lips and he just would not show her...he'd either flip over right as she was trying to get the shot or he'd put both fists in front of his face...he eventually gave her the finger...she was like "Oh look, he's giving us the peace sign....OH wait...maybe not."  Let's hope this isn't an indicator of his personality to come =)

This was our little sendoff once we got home...three balloons do not = triplets...although I feel large enough to be housing was just one balloon for each child so far...Adler was being a cranky pants though so he did not get in on the fun...he got a nap instead.

The balloons actually read  "Thank You God"...


And then the kids sent them flying...



Asher keeps wanting to send Jesus more balloons now =)

As discouraged as I thought I might be, I'm actually quiet happy...I left teary eyed just knowing that I can now refer to him as a him and be right...I feel like I know the person inside whose finally started letting me know he's there...a little more than I knew him before...before he was genderless anyway.  So yea for baby boys...unfortunately it's a nay for naming boys.  I REALLY want to use my girl name...but I have a feeling we'll be trying to even out the playing field in a few years maybe, just maybe, we'll still get Ayris a sister yet. 

I'll be putting up a name poll next...

BTW, the voting for the gender was 6 votes for girl and 5 votes for boy...

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