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Monday, December 13, 2010

I Am Seriously About To Go Insane!

Adler is currently upstairs in his room crying.  He has been doing this on and off since about 9 a.m. this morning when I went to put him down for his first nap.  He's been sleeping in this since he was born but unfortunately he's outgrown it...since it's tilted upward a bit, he's now figured out how to sit straight up and I'm afraid if he rocks it enough, he'll just topple forward...that and his feet have been hanging out for a good month, we decided, or rather I decided that we were going to put the bunk beds back together and reassemble the second crib in the kids room...and Adler would start sleeping in his crib...which also means, no more propping bottles to get him to sleep.  This has seriously been a nightmare day.  And I can't even imagine what tonight is going to bring (since, let's be real, we can't go back to the sleep and play thing or this entire day would have been for nothing...and I haven't listened to crying for the past 7 hours for nothing)...Adler is the first child that we've decided to try the cry it out method on...but honestly, after having 3 kids, I can't speak for Chris, but I'm personally over getting up 1200 times in the middle of the night to give a bottle or change a diaper (because of all the nighttime feedings)...I have been reassured that Adler is big enough that he doesn't need bottles during the night...and with Asher, I don't think he slept through the night until around 18-19 months...

It's been about 5 minutes since I've heard him cry...I don't want to jinx myself...but I think he might have finally gone down for his first nap of the day at 4 p.m.!  Too bad I'm going to have to wake him up in an hour or so, so he doesn't get his nighttime schedule all out of whack =( 

Aside from that, I still don't have much to report...we've been busy around here with crafts, buying gifts, mailing out Christmas cards, cleaning, baking, rearranging rooms, building cribs, going through everyone's clothes so we can donate them to a local shelter, painting with glo paint so the older kids will want to sleep in their rooms again after being able to sleep with mommy and daddy for the past 6 months!  It's just a never ending array of business 24/7! 

Here are a few photos from the past few weeks...I haven't taken that many lately!

I was chosen to host a Gerber Generations party and this was everything that was sent!  It was over 100 pounds of free product to distribute.  Most of it ended up going to Women's Advocates (a shelter in St. Paul) and Ruth's House (another shelter in Faribault)...but honestly, I can't say enough good things about Gerber.  They had sent out some certificate that I was supposed to bring to the hospital when I gave birth to Adler for some baby bag thing...well the hospital didn't have any so they told me to email them...I did and I ended up getting a full container of formula in the mail along with high value coupons, a gerber onsie, and a handwritten note advising me that they were always there 24/7 for any questions/concerns I might have for my baby.  They have excellent customer service/products in my opinion!


These were some of the projects I had done with the kids...the Thankful sign was up for Thanksgiving and the next week, was replaced by mittens filled with candy advent style...


This is not the Christmas picture that I opted to go with but I will have you know that there were MANY that were taken and it still didn't turn out as I had hoped so I ended up having Chris do a little photoshopping on the final product because I had an issue with his hair (it was too flat!)...he did such a good job, I couldn't even tell with the end result.
Photobucket boys in their matching shirts!  I just ordered some more matchy-matchy things from Gymboree the other day and can't wait to get them dressed alike again!

I couldn't decide which ones I liked best...

So stinken cute!

Ayris having Adler be "a patient" of hers...I just thought he looked like a cute little jewish boy...

Getting so big!

I can't believe these super cute outfits I just HAD TO HAVE from etsy (if you remember, I posted them when I was pregnant with Adler) hardly fit him anymore!  He never even had a chance to wear them =(  BUT, have no fear because I am learning to which point, I will be making him a spankin' new pair to wear this summer once he's toddling around!!  Chris can't wait either...he's SUPER excited.



I just love this picture...when I went to pick up our family pictures the other day, the woman kept raving about Adler and how he should be the next Gerber baby...yeah, I'd have to agree.

Sophie curled up in the Boppy...

I had Chris and his friend Jerry take one of our old TV's/stand, toiletries, pots and pans a few clothes to Ruth's House last week and they came back talking about how sad/crazy it was there with tons of children running around and a few parents here and I took Ayris and Asher to buy some toys for the kids...we ended up with a TON of toys for about 60 bucks...not everything is pictured but this is some of it...the kids were really good about just picking things out "for the kids who didn't have any toys" rather than asking for everything they saw for themselves (which is what they normally do anytime we go shopping)...they're also extremely excited to drop them off...but I'm now going through all of our clothes and dishes and whatever else I can find that we don't need/aren't using...

That's all for now, except for what Ayris said the other day...we were driving back from McDonald's when I saw some guy with a bunch of dead dears in the back of his truck...and I said something about how it was gross and he should cover that up...anyway, about a minute later, Ayris says:

"I wish there weren't stupid people in this town, but there are.  We need to pray for that deer...and since he killed the deer, he needs to die.  Because he's a bad guy."  At which, point, I started laughing...and she informed me that it wasn't funny that those deer were dead.

That's my girl!  I may not want to pass on my psycho, everyone's-out-to-kill-you mentality to my kids, but I'm totally okay with my children not being on board with hunting!

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