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Friday, June 4, 2010


Numerous people have wrote already and asked about the contents of our fridge...that is our SECOND refrigerator out in the garage...for overstock...pop, dairy, meat, etc...we don't actually live on pop, yogurt and cottage cheese =) That would probably make me somewhat of a bad mom...and we all know I'm pretty awesome =) The kids however, might not agree today. There's been lots of yelling on my part and lots of whining/crying on their part. Asher kept squirting water (not just a tiny squirtgun amount of large streams of water) on me while we were outside...WHILE I was holding Adler and while my pricey camera and cell phone were on the table...after about the 4th time of telling him to knock it off, I finally took my glass of water and threw it at him (the water...not the glass)...he was NOT happy...but neither was I with him not listening. Not 20 minutes later, after coming inside...Ayris told me that Asher was peeing in the trashcan and on the wall...this is now the third time in the past three days that he has peed somewhere other than the toilet...the first time was on the linoleum and our down comforter that was laying on the floor...the second time was in the catbox room...all in their food and water bowls...(the water bowl that I then proceeded to drop all over the floor...making an even bigger mess to clean up!) and then today in the trash can in our room. So...that is super cool dealing with that right now. Combine Asher's need to spray our entire house...with Ayris' attitude that flares upon waking and only fizzles once she closes her eyes at night and now Adler's refusal to go to sleep once he's awake (it's not a problem that he's awake now...the problem is the fact that he's starting to fight going to sleep even when he's overly tired) and the end result is my trying to recall that blog post I wrote about how perfect my life is =) Actually, it's still pretty perfect...I just have children that would like to remind me constantly today...that they are, in fact, children who I really shouldn't have set expectations for. None the less, I'm am looking forward to this weekend, now that Chris is back from traveling this week...the extra help will be nice and much appreciated! And yes, I AM one of THOSE moms who puts off consoling her child for an extra 20 seconds so I can snap a few pictures of this wonderful thing called life.

This only took about 37 shots of holding the camera above my head while trying to get a picture...
Ayris took this picture of Adler as I wasn't having much luck (the lens I have is for close ups...there's no zoom in and out) addition to his very long finger like toes, check out the boats that are his feet! They kind of look like they are trying to consume my entire leg =)

This actually felt REALLY good since it was so hot out today...the kids were dumping their buckets of water into the air condition fan thing and then it was shooting all out...

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