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Thursday, February 11, 2010


I'm not sure what else in the future will parallel with the excitement I feel right now BUT Asher just pooped in his potty! I had been watching him closely all morning because he normally goes around 10:30 each day...and by this afternoon, I figured he was just holding it for lack of wanting to go in the potty AND for the fact that he had no underwear to do it in (the last two mornings, he had underwear on until he pooped in them but this a.m. he's been commando since waking up)...anyway, a few minutes ago, I noticed him going behind the chair and I knew he really had to I "hid" his potty chair behind the couch (he likes privacy...even in diapers, he always went to hide when he pooped) and told Ayris not to look at we ignored him and then voila...there it was...the entire bottom of the potty and more was all I have to say about that...even though I'm not super excited about emptying that poop everyday now until he decides regular toilets are for's still worth it to know that he's done it once so it'll only get easier from here. He ALSO has gone potty in his peter potty (the stand up one) twice today. Needless to say, he's gotten ALOT of praise AND was excited about one of the cars he got to pick out for going poop. Ayris picked out some tattoos (she's been getting rewards too for encouraging him) and Asher decided he wanted a butterfly...he requested it be put on his butt...maybe he was proud of all that his butt accomplished too!

Yesterday we received a bunch of packages with some spring clothes for the kids along with baby #3's new carseat and highchair:

There are a number of cool things about this highchair...for one, it folds down completely flat in about 10 seconds (not that I'll probably ever take the time to do that but still a nice feature if I wanted it put away for all of those parties we throw OR for when traveling) also has two that snaps onto the top of the bottom tray (which should make for easier cleaning) AND two different seat cover options (which would make it nice for cleaning, if and when I ever decide to run the dirty one through the wash!).
I don't think there are any special things about this carseat, aside from one review I read that says it actually clips onto restaurant chairs and shopping carts...but considering it took me like 100 hours to figure out how to move the restraints up (even with reading the directions...they had it on the smallest setting...and unless you have like a 14 inch long baby-which is coincidentally the size of this little guy now at 25 weeks) then the kid is probably not going to be fitting in that setting) so we'll see if Chris can figure out those extra functions.

And then today we received two different brands of cloth diapers. I found a deal yesterday online where you could get $25 off a $50 purchase from one of these diapers alone could cost close to $25 bucks, I figured getting two diapers AND 6 cotton soaker liners was a good deal.
The green diaper is a Bum Genius 3.0 One size...which means that it should fit your baby from birth until potty training. Actually, I should say it fits kids who are not in the 100 percentile for weight goes from 7-35 in Asher's case...since he's 43 pounds, it obviously would not have fit him into potty training...the blue diaper is a Fuzzi Bunz and it is a medium but the nice thing about this diaper is that it is perfect for thin and bigger kids as there are a bunch of snaps that alter the size. The Fuzzi Bunz had the SOFTEST lining ever. So soft, that I would totally consider switching to these myself if they went up to like 145 pounds.

Here is a picture of the diapers opened so you can see the snaps. It's harder to see the snaps on the Bum Genius but there's three levels of green snaps which is what allows it to be a small/medium and large. And then with the Fuzzi Bunz, you can see all the white snaps which allows you to tighten/loosen the fit of the diaper. I am SUPER excited to try cloth diapering and build up my stash once we go through like the 500 disposable diapers I've already purchased for this little guy.

This will probably be the last of the potty training posts *fingers crossed* as we've pretty much figured everything out. Now I just need to get to the next step of him being in underwear...and then eventually training on the actual toilet. None the less, I think he's made REAL progress! It sure is nice to have such superstar kids! =)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the fact that you are are trying the cloth diapers - if I was to ever (In another life) have kids I would do cloth!!
    I Hope you Love them!

