Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Today sucks...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The difference between men and women...
So last night, Chris walks in after getting home from work and thanks me for making dinner. MmmK, whatever, I just let it slide by. Then after he finished eating dinner...he said it again, "Hey thanks for making dinner." Mind you, I make dinner quite a least during the week...we do our fair share of eating out but again, I frequently make meals, so when he repeatedly thanked me last night, instead of welcoming the appreciation, it translated a little like this in my head:
Chris: Hey thanks for making dinner. Because it's not often that you cook...and I'm sure it took a lot out of you to have to make it since you're so *busy* at home all the time. Actually, I can't really tell what you do all day but you like to remind me on almost a daily basis how hard it is to be you...and to be home with the kids...and how much work it is...and how stressful. So of course, I completely believe you...which is why I'm *thanking* you for making this awesome dinner.
Chris, of course, must've seen the slightly annoyed wheels a turnin' in my head because before I could say anything, he followed his appreciation up with the explanation that he's trying to be more appreciative of me and even though I cook a lot, he thought he should start thanking me for it every once in a while.
On a completely different note...Ayris has discovered the word damnit. She said it a few days ago when I was on the computer and I just asked her where she learned it...she said Daddy. I didn't say anything more because I figured if I ignored it, she'd just forget about it. Fast forward a couple days after that and Chris is making something in the kitchen. I hear Ayris say the word damnit and Chris asks where she learned that...and she told him that he had said it. So he apologizes and tells her that he shouldn't have used that word because it's bad and that God wouldn't like which Ayris responds, so will I not go to heaven if I say damnit? Chris tells her that he's not really sure (obviously he knows a person is not sent to hell by saying damnit but Ayris doesn't know much about hell yet and I think he was just trying to get her to stop saying the word because throughout this conversation she had already said it like 15 times) at which point Ayris proclaims...
"Well, I think I'm just going to keep saying damnit because I'm not ready to go to heaven just yet!"
Oy! I have a feeling she's just always going to be one step ahead of us at all times.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Getting Schooled By My 3 Year Old...
So a commercial for that kids movie G-Force just came on and as I was picking up the living room...Not REALLY paying attention to the TV mind you, my daughter asks:
Ayris: Mom, what are those animals on there?
Mommy: (Again, not even looking at the TV, just going from my memory of seeing the preview before I reply...) "I think they are rats."
Ayris: Um, I think they are guinea pigs because rats have really long tails and those didn't have long tails.
OK, first off, why ask the question if you apparently already know the answer? Second, if this is any indication of how much of a deductive thinker she'll be when she starts school...then I thank my lucky stars because hopefully I won't be having to help out too much in the homework department...and while we're on the subject of teaching, I just want to point out to Chris (in his many attempts to get me to teach the children while at home) that our children are obviously better off learning things on their own and without my help. It's probably BEST that I don't even TRY to educate them...because if I do, I'll be sending them off to school thinking that Guinea pigs are rats and that Geese are ducks...personally, I think these comparisons are at least in the same family so no biggee...right? I can't help that my children are completely anal and particular. The other day, my mother said something about the "cheese" on my sandwich, and Asher said "It's pepperjack grandma!"...and Ayris has also been known to point out that something was not just a "bird" but rather an egret. I know...I birthed some smarties =) Trust me...I too used to be smart but these children are intelligence suckers...come to think of it...that must be reason they are so smart...because they've drained me of my intelligence and taken it for themselves. We'll just call them The Greedy Ones and we'll call me The Sacrificial Mom...I like it...that title totally makes my intellectual limitations alright by me! =)
Here is a picture before going out in the snow...that's another sucky thing about going out in the cold...putting on a hundred different pieces of gear to ensure that your children don't takes a lot of time!
Asher was over taking pictures at this point. The camera is not his friend anymore, after only one picture, he generally proclaims, All done mommy! Yeah right, mommy can't take just one!
On a completely different know how it's been suggested that women hanging around one another will sometimes have their monthly cycles sync up? Well I wish the same could be said for children and their mothers when it comes to exhaustion levels...because if that were the case...all three of us would be going to bed right 4:50 p.m. It feels like it's about 11 p.m. here in the Collins household tonight. Too bad I have another 3 hours to go...that sounds like an eternity...
Imperfection With A Little Manipulation Thrown In...
"Mom...why are you so mad?"
At which point, I decided that my two little angels were going to be taking a nap for the first time in ages. As I'm marching them up the stairs, Ayris says:
"But Mom, we haven't had lunch yet!"
Mom: I don't care! You're going to bed!
Ayris: But Mom! I don't want to go to bed before I've eaten lunch!
Mom: Yeah? Well I don't want to spend the next hour wiping up the kitchen and getting all the water up off the carpet but I have to do that!
(I ended up with TWO tub fulls of water (the attached reservoirs that come on shampooers) AND I'll also have you know that my children eat from sun up to sun down...they've usually had multiple things to eat before lunch even rolls no need to judge for me sending them to bed without lunch...AND they also had milk the whole time so...=)
Turns out, neither child even took a nap...the little actress that is my daughter faked sleeping the three times I came into the room and she did a pretty good job until I caught on that she was "waking up" just as I was closing the door each time. But they sure as heck finished their two hour sentence in their room quietly while I cleaned up the kitchen and then watched an episode of Desperate Housewives. Yes, I gave myself a good 42 minutes of guilty pleasure that day...because honestly, how often do I ever get to lock up my kids?'s pretty much Curious George and Caillou EVERYDAY until my little cherubs go to bed and I get some me time. However, after seeing how well putting the fear of God in them worked to my advantage, I may have a new tactic on mothering.
(I'm totally kidding...I'll suck it up and sacrifice all the really cool things I could be doing during a two hour reprieve each day during their hypothetical lockdowns.)
So now...on to the manipulation part...I'm lovingly awakened this morning to Ayris saying:
"Mom! There's more snow on the ground...I think we should play outside ALL day today!"
Mom: Ayris! You know how I feel about the cold.
(At this point, I'll stop to advise you that I really hate the cold. Although Chris might disagree now that our house is kept at 65 degrees at night =) When I go out in the cold, my back tenses up and I unintentionally shake on the inside, not from being cold...I don't know what it is...almost a stress within minutes, I'm exhausted and aching with back pain...PLUS, I don't enjoy frozen nose hairs and the red dry skin it gives me...overall, going out in the snow is absolutely miserable for me) At which point, my very smart and manipulative daughter states:
"Yeah, well Daddy doesn't like the cold, but he takes us outside anyway!"
For starters, pretty sure Daddy doesn't mind the cold...and secondly, Good for Daddy! There's plenty of things Daddy doesn't do that Mommy does so I guess that's part of his "taking one for the team" things!
Seriously, I think I should cut off ALL communication between myself and that child because she is a FAST learner. I mean, doesn't that comment kind of go hand in hand with my comment yesterday about her not wanting to go to bed before lunch and my retaliation being that I didn't want to clean the kitchen but I had to do it anyway...maybe they are not exactly the same ideas but they are similar tactics/responses none the less. They both implore guilt onto the other party.
Oh, the joys of motherhood. On the episode that I snuck in of Desperate Housewives yesterday, this character Lynette (who is a working mom of 4 and NEVER gets a break from her children) is finally taking a much needed vacation with her friend Gabby...during their massages, Gabby's phone rings and it's Lynette's husband, Lynette is trying to tell Gabby she doesn't want to talk and when she gets on the phone, her husband has thrown his back out on his and the kids camping trip and needs her to cancel her vacation. When she hangs up, she responds, "I hate my life" to which Gabby responds, "It totally does, I'd never switch places with you!" All the while, Gabby is going through a nasty divorce with her husband and basically having issues all around...but still wouldn't trade places just because she knows how much it would suck to be a mom 24/7.
It doesn't suck to be a mom. It sucked yesterday but it doesn't always suck. The little demons are worth it most of the time, which we obviously all realize once we have them...otherwise, the world would be a lot less populated!
On a positive note for my children, my friend Aleece has stepped up to the good mother plate and invited us over while SHE will take the kids out in the snow...all I have to do is her dishes in return. Sounds like an AWESOME plan to me! AND just so you know, I would have sucked it up and taken them out eventually BUT the time they would have spent outside would have been 5 minutes max...and I can't swear that I wouldn't have just sent them out the door while I stood inside watching through the window =) But now we'll never know since my dear friend Aleece will be doing the treacherous task for me!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
My Children Are Perfect...
Ayris looking happy, Asher looking annoyed...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
More pictures and a 13 week baby update

Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Close range messes
Sunday, November 15, 2009
A few things Ayris has said...
Ayris: Oh, he's just coloring on everything he's not supposed to.
Um...thanks for telling me sooner!
Upstairs in the loft yesterday Ayris was "doctoring" me:
Ayris: Mommy, you have a cold, so I'm going to call the doctor and make an appointment for you to get a shot.
Mommy: Ok.
(Ayris gets out her fake phone and asks for the number...I tell her...this was her conversation thereafter)
Ayris: Yeah, Hi doctor. My mommy has a cold and I think she needs a shot. Yeah, that's right. She needs a shot. Uh huh. Yeah. That's no problem. No, she'll be fine. It's just a cold. Okay, yeah. Uh huh. I love you. Bye.
At that point, I just started laughing:
Ayris: Why are you laughing mommy?
Mommy: Because...did you know that doctor you were talking to?
Ayris: No, why?
Mommy: Because you told him you loved him at the end of your conversation.
Ayris: Yeah, because I love him.
It totally made sense in her mind to just say I love you at the end of the phone call because that's what she does with all the grandma's and grandpa...I just thought it was super funny at the time. Maybe it's not? I don't know but it made me smile =)
Friday, November 13, 2009
I knew my kid was special...but this is pure talent...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Is it wrong to vacuum sheets?
Well that was short lived...he's I guess I'll stop cleaning =( It was a nice 40 minute reprive though!
A few photos, and a baby update!

The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his toes will curl, his eye muscles will clench, and his mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if you prod your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it. His intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into his abdominal cavity about now, and his kidneys will begin excreting urine into his bladder.
Meanwhile, nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and in your baby's brain, synapses are forming furiously. His face looks unquestionably human: His eyes have moved from the sides to the front of his head, and his ears are right where they should be. From crown to rump, your baby-to-be is just over 2 inches long (about the size of a lime) and weighs half an ounce