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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010...

I'm finally getting around to getting a few pictures up from the past week.  Surprisingly, I must've been more focused on the celebrations/gift openings because I found myself with very few photos of the actual gifts received...which were overwhelming to say the least...these kids are nothing short of spoiled =)

I also wanted to make note of the love I now hold in my heart for Chris' aunt Alice...this is what she wrote in an email in regards to the video that Chris made for my birthday:  "Loved the was certainly a verification that you were gorgeous at every stage of your development....Alice."  Alice, no doubt, must've forgotten to put on her glasses before watching the video but honestly, her classifying me as gorgeous, glasses or not, kind of made my day =)

As for Chris' video...thank you was amazing and wonderful and made me cry at various times throughout the day.  I ended up spending my birthday at a hotel and it just wasn't what I was expecting.  I found myself on the verge of tears the entire day...I don't know if it was because I was period bound or if it was just the idea that I'm now 30 years closer to death. 20 is young and lightyears away from being old and decrepid but, 30 is getting up there.  And it hit me when I was rocking Adler to sleep a night or two before, that already, I was going to be missing out on  AT LEAST 30 years of his life...(if things go like normal and I die at like 80 something and he is still trucking along into his 50's) and that's depressing.  I'm pretty sure I could start crying now!  As much as I wanted to get away from the kids and have some quiet time to myself to get through the 50 magazines piling up or another blog post written (that I rarely have time to write these days), I didn't do any of it...I just moped around in the deafening silence that was my hotel room without my children there.  I was tempted to come home...but then I thought to myself that as a rapidly aging grown woman, I should probably be able to peel myself away from the kids for one night.  And the stupidest thing of now that I'm back home and surrounded by my ever mounting to-do list and 3 children who are determined to be underfoot (Ayris and Asher) or on my hip (Adler) for the day's entirety, hampering my ability to get ANYTHING done, I'm counting down the days until I can go back to that hotel!  Chris asked when that would be tonight...I told him probably 5 months from that he could have a chance to go to a hotel to play some video games first.  He said he wanted like 3 weeks off from work...I told him if he'd arrange his hip surgery, he'd get that wish...and he said "Yeah, like that'd be fun" which I responded Heck Yeah!  It's going to be a total vacation...he's going to be laid up for weeks with nothing to do but play video games...and then I compared it to my 2 day vacation that I got in the hospital when I had Adler...then we giggled about how we have to have surgery or be hospitalized to get free time =)  Why does he think I keep having babies???  I kid, I kid.  But seriously, I do look forward to my 2 day hospital vacations when I deliver!

Anyway, on to the pictures!  I came upstairs to find all the kids in some sort of hat...of course, no child was ever smiling at the same time...I love how it looks like Adler is looking up towards God in this first heaven help me!


Asher's not looking...Ayris looks great...


Asher is now smiling and Ayris isn't!

Asher teacher Adler the art of sword fighting...notice he even gave Adler a little crayola bucket hat!


So I decided to tie Mister-I-Won't-Sit-In-My-Highchair-That-Is-Less-Than-A-Foot-Away to one of our kitchen chairs with some scarves so he could be smack dab beside me while I was cooking...

Until I remembered that Alice had sent us this little worked great but it's getting a bit snug now...I REALLY want one of these tie chair things but I'm not spending $50 on steals sells them for 24 bucks but I just have to happen upon their site on the right day before they sell out!

Ayris woke Asher up about 2 hours before his normal wake up time (around 7 a.m. instead of 9!) and he just was not able to look alive yet...Adler on the other hand was ready to go!



Not the most flattering picture of me BUT I think I'm going to have Chris start taking the kids pictures because they ALL ACTUALLY looked at the camera at the same time for him!

For as much as Ayris and Asher talked about these darn pillow pets for the past few months, I'm pretty sure Adler was the most excited about them!




Grandma Sooner reading to Adler...

Grandma Callie giving Adler his blanket...



Ayris doesn't get as much blog facetime as she should...Adler, well he's the baby and is just too darn cute right now...and Asher...he's always got the personality in pictures but Ayris can really take some striking pictures too...and anytime I go into the editing program and I'm making sure she doesn't have red eyes and I'm greeted with these lovlies below...I just love her eyes...especially blown up...and I haven't even edited the picture below...


The shots below were taken because I was trying to get a picture to put on the front of her birthday invite...otherwise, I just need to take more pictures of her in general!

It's scary to me how grown up she looks here...




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